
3.9K 94 15

[ Y/N ]

Today it has been reported by the local scientists that there has been an increase in radioactive readings around the city of San Francisco. The people are advised to stay at home until local authorities are able to identify the source of this sudden radioactive spike.

I stared straight into the TV that was broadcasting the news as my hands clenched into fists. Cyborg who was cooking, had stopped at his tracks after hearing the news along with the rest of the team. It's been two days since the confrontation with Deathstroke and we were starting to think he wasn't a part of this but apparently it was the other way around. Dick and I both exchanged looks as we nodded at each other.

"Victor. . . Are the hazard suits ready?" Dick asked but his eyes were looking out the window, towards the city.

"They're still prototypes. I haven't tested them out yet." Cyborg replied with a worried tone. He knew Dick was the type to do anything to save the innocent. Something him and Batman share.

"I'll do it." Starfire suddenly said. We all turned to look at her.

"My body is different from all of you. Maybe I can test the suit and not get affected by what's in the air."

"That's a big maybe Kori. . ." Gar said.

"The more we wait, the closer they are to completing what they set out to do!" Starfire said slightly concerned.

"And if the suit doesn't work, we could lose you. . ." Raven rebutted.

"Kori. . . Are you sure about this?" Dick asked, walking closer to her.

"This is what you trained me, what you trained us for. To be there when the city needs us. I'm ready for this." She replied with a stern tone. He looked at her with his arms crossed before nodding.

"Get the suit ready for her, Cyborg." He ordered to which Cyborg oblige.


Starfire was fully suited up in the getup complete with a gas mask to block the radiation from getting inside. She headed out to the balcony before turning back to face us.

"You ready?" Cyborg asked through the earpiece in her helmet to which she nodded and gave a thumbs up. Cyborg had her vital signs hooked up to a console in his arm so he could monitor her heart rate as well as her radiation levels. Given the signal, Starfire took off heading just above street level where radiation is usually the strongest.

"Vital signs are normal. No radiation detected in host's body." Cyborg said as he read the statistics to the team Gar and him made a loud high-five, celebrating.

"Nice work bud!" Gar said as he went over to me to give me a high-five.

" Not my thing, Gar." I said just as he lifted his palm, my eyes still focusing outside. Disappointed, his open palm turned into finger guns.

" Gotcha man. No high-fives."

I looked over to Dick as we both nodded at each other.

" Everyone suit up! Starfire, do a complete sweep of the city. Make sure no one is left outside, we'll rendezvous at City Hall." Dick said as we all headed to the tech room to get our personalized suits, courtesy of Cyborg along with built in radioactive scanners. Raven and Cyborg took to the skies alongside Star while the rest of us hit the streets.

Eventually we met up at City Hall where Dick gave further instructions.

" Raven, Y/N and Cyborg. You guys scan the east side of the city as well as downtown. The rest will be done by us. There's bound to be more than one of these generator so the main priority is to destroy these machines; H.I.V.E comes second"

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