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*new suit above*

[ Y/N ]

I spent some time working on a prototype suit of sorts. My old gear was good, but it has a few flaws. The tech was old and clunky at times. I took a basic bodysuit laying around in the tech room and started to piece together something better. I wasn't a good handyman but I know how to put a few things together to make it work. I was so engrossed in it that I didn't hear Cyborg walking in. He handed me something.

"Kevlar padding. Enforced with titanium. Tri-weave. Perfect for stopping bullets."

I looked at the pad he handed to me before thanking him. I got along well with him to be fair.

" So you're a tech guy." He asked me.

" Nah. I don't know the first thing about tech but I meddle with it from time to time." I said as I fused the padding on the suit.

" You know, I could give your guns an upgrade if you want me to."

"Like what?"

"Biometric recognition ; increased fire rate , maybe even a holographic sight that only you can see through your helmet."

I was impressed. I took out both of my guns before handing it to him.

"Take good care of them."

" I will man." He chuckled as he head off to work on them. I focused back on my work. 3D printing the Bat Symbol out of metal for the suit. I made it glow a dark ominous red so that it'd be easier for the team to spot me when it's dark and make it look more intimidating when I'm out at night. I lifted it up to look at the progress.

"Nice suit." Dick said as he leaned on the doorway, sounding impressed.

"Hey man, how'd the lead turn out?"

" Well, the generator requires a plutonium core to jumpstart it together with the power supply."

"Any idea where we can find one?"

"Well, San Francisco has a number of nuclear research facilities so the team and I will start looking into it tomorrow."

"I'll leave you to your work." Dick said as he left the room. I began to work on the helmet. Reinforcing it with ballistic glass to make it bulletproof and making it essentially a two way mirror. I gave it the classic red colour. I then worked on the interface inside the helmet, wiring it to the comms at the side of the helmet. I hooked up night vision to help me see better. I was exhausted working on my gear so I went outside to get some rest. I got bored eventually and decided to go on a night patrol. Something I used to do back at Gotham.

After a few hours, I took a look at the time. It was past 1am. One of the more longer patrols I've been on. I was exhausted, fighting a bunch of common thugs. I needed to relax so I dropped by a store to get two six-packs of beers and continued my way back to the tower.

I was on my way up to the roof where it was nice and quiet when I noticed Dick was in the surveillance room, looking like he needed a break.

"Hey! Wanna grab a drink on the roof?" I asked, holding up the packs. He chuckled as he stood up and we both headed upstairs. We both cracked open our drinks and began to talk. Something we rarely do together. We began to talk with each other, mainly about him since I don't usually like to be the subject of a conversation. After what seemed like an hour, he excused himself to get some rest.

"I'm gonna get some rest, Y/N. Night" He said patting my arm to which I just nod and I continued on with my bottle of beer. I didn't feel like sleeping. I was up there, alone for a good while. A good while of peace. After a few hours, I saw a small ray of sunlight just creeping over the horizon. I heard the door to the rooftop slid open as a cloaked figure slowly glide over to the edge of the rooftop. She seemed not to have notice me so I just kept quiet as I watched her movement. From what I see, I guess she was meditating. She remained oblivious to my presence for a good fifteen minutes until I popped open another bottle of beer. She snapped her attention to me, preparing to strike at whoever it was until she realized it was me.

Our Own Demons // Raven x Male Reader Red Hood//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang