Old Habits Die Hard

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[ Y/N ]

I made my way to the kitchen where Cyborg and Dick were chilling while Gar was playing some video games at the couch. I smelt a familiar aura of grilled meat which made my stomach slight growled. Dick nodded at me as he invited me to sit down. I'm not going to argue, I was starving.


"If by dinner you mean disgusting then yeah, dinner." Gar playfully said which earned him a glare from Cyborg. I almost forgot Beast Boy was vegetarian.

"Heyy don't hate my cooking just cause it taste better than yours." He snapped back which made Gar laugh while me and Dick shake our head at their childish behavior but who were we kidding. Everyone has playful banter with one another at some point in their life. Cyborg plated up some delicious looking pieces of meat alongside some bread and greens. I chomped down on it faster than a cheetah chasing it's prey. It tasted so good.

"Another satisfied customer" Cyborg remarked as I went and clean the plate. I grabbed the keys to my bike and my helmet ; heading towards the elevator.

"Where're you going?" Dick asked

" Patrol. Old habits die hard."


I dragged the last guy I knocked out to the rest who were already unconscious. I was gasping for air. Busting a drug cartel by yourself with a no-kill rule wasn't as easy as it seems, not to mention the amount of people they had in there. I leaned myself against the wall for support as my mask flipped slightly open, just enough that there was fresh air coming in. The previous bruises I had were starting to take a toll on my body. Back in Gotham, I could still rely on Bruce patrolling if I was unable to but it seems like here at San Francisco, it was only me and Dick; he's still occupied with the investigation so really, it was only me. The rest of the team were still not up for it.

I sensed a presence prompting me to look up from where I was standing as a shadowy figure wielding two swords stared at me from the structure above. We both held eye contact for awhile. Whoever it was, wasn't backing down from me and neither was I. It was like they were inviting me to face them. I flipped my visor back on as I grappled upwards where the figure was waiting for me.

The pouring rain combined with dim moonlight gave the shadow an ominous aura as it shone over the figure, revealing a familiar orange and black tactical gear with only one eyehole. I scoffed to myself.


"Last I heard you were dead, now look at you. Bearing the former mantle of your killer, loud and proud."

"You've been in this business long enough to know that no one ever really dies."

"True, that's why I'm not here looking for a fight."

"Well, you sure dressed up for one."

"Contingency. . .Something I'm sure Batman has taught you very well. . ." He paused

"I have a proposition for you. . ."

"Which is?"

"Join me. . . Together we will eradicate the filth not just in San Francisco, not just Gotham but the entire world. A new beginning. A new Genesis. The Titans only hold you back from the good that you can do by my side." He proposed, clenching his fist as he did.

"I take it that includes the Titans and others who's fought alongside me?"

"I know you Y/N. . ."

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