Chapter 1: The reaping

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Shrieking. That's the only thing that I hear. Thousands of them, sourrounding me, bats. It feels as if they are the prediter and I'm the prey, the kill they seek. Suddenly I trip and fall on a root, and they fly over me and start to shriek my name. "Rue, Rue, RUE!" Then, all at once, the shrieking stops and it's Clover's voice.

"Rue, wake up!" My eyes fly open as her words ring through my brain. "Rue, its almost 10:00, you need to get up."

My eyes flutter open and I push the covers off of me, no use wasting time. My heart speeds up when I remember what today is.

I walk to the bathroom where a tub of warm water waits for me and start to wash up. Even though we don't like the games, we don't want to look dirty. We want to look presentable. At least, that's what my mother says. It doesn't make sense to me, though. They're going to let us die whether we're dirty or not. All that they care about is how exciting and bloody your death is.

I'm told its almost 10:10, so I have to hurry. The reaping starts at 10:40 and you have to get there early so you can sign up. I rinse the last of the soap out of my hair and head to the room I share with my little sisters. On our dresser is what my mom laid out for me. A nice black skirt, the nicest one I have, and a plain white shirt with a little rushing on the sleeves. It makes me look like I'm fourteen, if only I was taller.

"Rue gotta go, gotta go Rue," Violet yells up the stairs

Violet doesn't understand that I don't want to go, but she's only three and I don't expect her to. I walk down the stairs and meet the rest of my family. I try not to cry and be strong for my family, but a stray tear streams down my face. I don't want my family to know how scared I really am, I have to stay strong.

We walk outside and I instantly notice how hot and windy it is. As we file into the town square I tell my family I'll see them soon, but my mind wanders over the possibilitys. I'm told to go check in at the makeshift desk set up for the peacekeepers. I walk over but my mind is elsewhere. I'm snapped back into reality by the harsh voice of a peacekeeper.

"You. It's your turn, little girl. Step up."

I do, but what happens next is a surprise. The lady pricks my finger.


I guess they don't want you to know what really happens at a reaping, because whenever a teacher has explained the reaping they have never told us about that step.

"Please move your finger to the paper, miss."

I do, and then the lady takes a mechanical scanner and moves it over the paper. The screen reads 'Pettisan, Rue, 12 yrs old' I walk over to the roped section for the twelve year old girls. My two friends Rose and Sienna walk over and hug me. All three of us have worked in the East fields since we were old enough to help out our families. We stay like that until our mayor, Mr. Rondial walks to the microphone.

He talks about how Panem rose up out a nation once known as North America and how the districts rebelled against the capital. After he is done with that part of his speech, he moves on to all the floods, storms, and other natural disasters that have happened in the past. Then he names our previous victors. We have exactly two. Seeder and Chaff, Seeder is a sweet thirty-forty year old woman, and Chaff only has one and a half arms, from the elbow down on his right arm is gone. He lost it in his games. Once he's done he introduces Verta Bedlermen our district escort. This year she has her hair dyed a very unattractive green that falls in eight or so braids around her head.

"Welcome, welcome! I hope you all aren't sweating to death!" She proclaims

She laughs like she its hysterical, but she gets no response. Clearly upset, she finishes, "Well then! The time has come for us to select one courageous young man and woman to represent District 11 in the seventy-fourth annual Hunger Games! As always, ladies first!"

She walks over to the bowl, reaches her hand in and very dramatically picks out one slip.....I'm having trouble breathing as she unravels the small slip of paper.

"Ahem! Rue Pettisan,"

My heart stops and my palms begin to sweat. It can't be me! I have twenty-seven slips out of thousands! what were the odds of that? I'm just waiting for a different Rue Pettisan to walk up to the stage, but I know that that won't happen. I was chosen, and I can't pretend that I wasn't. This wasn't my plan. Things have taken a dramatic twist and I have to look like I'm on top of things. So I'm left with one option: walk up to the stage.

"Come on dear!" Verta says to me I start to walk up to the stage "No need to worry, I don't bite!"

Is that what the capital does? Tricks the tributes into thinking they are fine by giving them everything that they never could have before and then brutally forcing them into an arena? I'm just about at the stairs when I hear my sister call out my name.

"Rue!" She screams

I turn around and Clover is running to me. She almost reaches me but a peacekeeper picks her up and walks away. He walks away with her pounding on his back. I'm having a hard time keeping the tears in, it's almost impossible.

I'm on stage now looking out into the crowd. I locate mom and daddy. The look of hatred on there face is indescribable. I know instantly it's not at me, but at the Capitol. My thoughts are interrupted by Verta

"Do we have any volunteers?"

And what I hear next is unbearable: the wind, silence, nothing. I didn't really expect anyone to volunteer, but a part of me hoped there would be someone to help me out of the horrible fate that awaits me. I know I'm going to cry if I don't get off this stage.

Luckily Verta starts talking again "And now for the boys!"

She swirls her hand around in the bowl until she finds the one she wants

"Thresh Sarnd" She says loundly

My heart skips a beat. What were the chances of that? I locate him as he walks to the stage. It doesn't take him long since the eighteen year olds are at the very front, as they are most likely going to be picked. But I no longer believe that being eighteen is going to give you any more chances then a twelve year old. I am living proof. He is hiding his emotions very well, but I know he is scared. Nobody is unafraid of the Hunger Games, no matter how brave you are. Except the Careers.

"Well, here we are! Shake hands you two."

We shake.

"The tributes of District 11, Rue Pettisan and Thresh Sarnd. May the odds be ever in your favor!"

As we walk down the steps I look up at him, and he looks down at me. His eyes only hold pain. I know at that moment, that the odds are not in my favor, nor will they ever be.

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