Chapter 4: The Capitol

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When I wake up, light is streaming through the window. I'm worried at first, that I'll be late for work. I roll over to tell Clover that we will be late for work if we don't go now, but she's not there. As a matter of fact, I'm not even in my room.

Then the reaping comes back to me and I remember why I'm here. Very slowly I get up and head over to the closet and start to scan what there is. I find a pretty yellow shirt and throw on some black jeans.

When I get to the dinning room Thresh is sitting there with Chaff and Seeder waiting for me, but Verta is no where in sight.  She's probably busy working out schedules and perfecting her outfits.

"Morning Rue, how did you sleep?" Seeder asks with a smile on her face

"Just fine, thanks." I say simply with no emotion

I walk over to the buffet table and get myself a plate full of eggs, bacon, strawberry's, and toast. My stomach grumbles and I remember I skipped dinner last night. I walk over to the table and sit down, then Verta walks in and starts to discuss the next three days of my life. Starting with now.

"Well, you two are just going to love the Capitol. Remember, now is the time to start getting cheery." she says with a flare

Thresh looks at her like she's crazy, and I think that I may have, too. Just from the tone in her voice I can tell that I'm probably not going to like the Capitol. Maybe I will, as long as it's not as crazy as their clothes.

I finish my meal and get a glass of what they call hot chocolate; Its good, especialy if you dip a cookie into it. I get seconds on food, then thirds, before I'm finally full.  Seeder says she wants to talk with me privately. I stand up awkwardly and she leads me to a room with more couches and chairs, then she takes a seat.

"Well. . .." I say

"Chose a seat, you don't have to act like I'm one of the capital freaks!" She says with a light smile

I almost forgot she's is just another woman from my District who was lucky and made it out of the arena. I realized that I haven't been very nice to her, shooting her dirty looks whenever she tries to get me to talk, avoiding her because I'm afraid she might bring up my future.

I know she is just trying to help me through these next couple of days, and she did make it through all this already. I decide to be a lot nicer, because if I were her I would want a tribute who would to atleast talk to me.

"Actually think of you as more of a friend, if that's alright with you. I mean I guess I've been a little. . . . .well, a lot, rude to you and I just want to say-"

She laughs and cuts me off, her smile lighting up her aged face.

"I get it. I didn't come her to punish you. I just wanted to say. . . well. . ." I shoot her a nervous glance "When your in the arena. . . . .don't kill anyone. It changes you Rue. And not for the better. I did it, and it doesn't feel good, it turns you into something your not. Do what you have to do, but when you have to make the choice… remember that you can never forget it."

I look at her and I see she's not lying to me "I don't think that will be a problem, I won't even be alive."

Her face looses it's glow "Hey now, don't think like that. You have to have hope."

"I'm just being real Seeder, there's nothing to help my size or age." 

"No but you can help your attitude, you keep this up and your right, you won't win."

I am taken back by her brasen remark.

I get up andwalk out of the room, not wanting to sit in this awkward silence any longer. I understand what she was trying to say, though. I always figured killing in the arena would be easy. A minor problem prepared to the one about staying alive. But now, I wasn't so sure. But even if I did end up having to make a choice, they will have killed me before I could decide. Suddenly my father's voice echoes in my mind.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

I'm suddenly overwhelmed by thoughts that I have to grasp the wall just to stay upright. I don't know why I just realized that I have two very important people telling me two very different things. My throat starts to close up, and I'm breathing faster than usual because of all the pressure put on me. It's all swirling around inside my head, the people, my future, the Games, everything.

But I remember my promise to Laurel and Violet and know that I must stay strong for them. We will be at the Capitol anytime now and I don't want to look like I'm scared. I suddenly hear a high pitched shriek.

"We're here! Get happy everyone! Remember, BIG smiles!" Verta screams

She exaggerates the word 'big', probably because she doesn't think we all understand her. I run to the window to look out. My jaw literally drops at what I see.

Candy colored buildings and brightly dressed people, with the most disgusting looking bodies I've ever seen! There was this one man back in District 11 that I thought was bad, but that is not even close to what I see now.

There are people with whiskers, or tails, jewels inlaid in their body, skin that's been died hot pink or aqua blue, people with hair so high that they barely make it through the door. Each of them becomes a whole new type of weird to me.

They're screaming our names, and it goes on and on till my ears hurt, but I keep looking out the window, trying to make the best impression I possibly can. Thresh, on the other hand, is just sitting there, not even looking out the window. He even appears bored.

The train slowly stops and we are told we need to get ready to exit. I get really nervous about all those deformed and dyed people. Apparently, they all want to be able to touch the District 11 tributes. The doors slide open and I'm engulfed by people, all trying to touch my skin, grab my hair or take a piece of my clothing.

This isn't what I imagined it to be. . .

Sorry this was so short!! I didn't want to waste much time on the train so I could make the chapters about her in the Capitol a little longer, That would be a heck of a lot more interesting to read or write about than 3 pages of me explaining every inch they moved!! :)

As always, comment, vote, and fan!!


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