Chapter 6: Training day 1

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I wake up to Verta piratically screaming through my door

"Wake up Rue! You have a very, very, very big day ahead of you!"

I roll over with a groan. My head hurts and I don't feel like I slept at all, if anything I feel like I lost sleep. I get up anyway and make my bed, even though I know an avox will come in later to remake it.

This simple chore makes me feel normal, which is nice for once. I go over to the closet and find that an outfit has already been laid out for me. It's a black outfit with red/gray acsent colors and it's made of a stretchy material that I have no name for.

It also has the number 11 on my sleeves and back. It is actually two pieces, but when you put it on it looks like it is one jumpsuit. I put back on my necklace. I know that Verta will come back for me if I don't get going so I walk down the hall to find that everyone is waiting for me. I get a plate full of food and then I walk to the table and sit next to Thresh.

"Hey Thresh, how'd you sleep?"

He turns to me and smiles "Just fine Rue," he turns to Chaff "See Chaff people can be nice."

I'm guessing that Chaff and Thresh were fighting again this morning. I don't want to get into their argument so I concentrate on eating. My thoughts go back to the look on Chaff's face when Thresh told him off. A smile creeps to my lips, I look up at Seeder and she coughs one of those i'm-so-with-you kinda coughs. At that a little laugh comes out. I try to zone out and just eat my food.

While I finish my omelet Seeder fills me in on what I missed. She said that the recap of the Tribute parade went well, but she out right told me that the District 12 tributes outshone us all. Breakfast ends and Chaff starts to talk.

"Ehem," he says trying to be serious "Try to do the best you can in everything you do. If you have any special talents that your going to show the game makers than I would suggest not showing the other tributes. It can either help or hurt you, that's your choice."

Thresh looks at me and I look him, he talks for both of us "I think that we're both an open book." I nod after he finishes

"Okay then. Try to learn something you don't know. Tie a knot, throw a knife, but don't overlook the survival skills. They can come in handy if your both. . .Alive."

We're told to head down to the training center. Thresh, Verta, and me all load up into the elevator. I try to focus on what I can do. I'm amazing at climbing and can hop from tree to tree, I'm good with slingshots, but other than that I'm nothing special. In reality the only thing that will really help me is climbing.

Whats a slingshot going to do to a two-hundred pound male? I guess i could hunt with it, we had to use them back in District 11 to keep all the animals away from our crops. When we get to the training center everyone but District 12 is here.

While we wait  I observe the gymnasium. Its filled with various weapons and obstacle courses. We all are standing in a tense circle waiting for 12 to arrive.

I look around more closely at the weapons. Some are long like spears, short like swords, curved like a sickle, or made like a bow. They all are very pointy, and all of them could end my life in a second. District 12 finally shows up.

I stand in between Katniss from District 12 and Thresh. I don't really know why I like Katniss. . .she just makes me feel Safe. When I saw her volunteer for her sister I knew that I could trust her. I notice all of the gamemakers sitting in a balcony listening to Atala , and watching us.

I know that now would be a good time to start looking on top of things, but the truth is I'm petrified. I'm scared at what the other tributes might think of me, I will not. . .no, I cannot be overlooked. Atala starts to talk.

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