Chapter 19: Feast of my Life

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I see it. Red hair, Fern. My heart lurches. Katniss creeps over and pats me on the shoulder

"Wait Katniss, this was a former ally, please hel-" I try to say

Katniss is ready to go and doesm't hear me. I know I'm going to have to save Fern alone. Everyone is going to want the supplies, but probably not Fern. I look up to see that to my surprise no one has come for her. I take a deep breath and sprint full speed into the cornucopia. When I reach Fern I whisper

"Don't act like anyone's here."

I start to untie her hands but end up cutting the rope with the knife. That's when I see Clove running towards us with Cato lagging shortly behind.

"Run!" I yell as the ropes come undone.

I start to bolt but Clove slams me into the ground.

"I let you go once-" Clove adjusts her position "But I'm not letting you go this time. You should've been dead at the start."

I take Clove's short break to scream "Katniss! Thresh! Help!" They are the first two people I think of.

Clove jams her hand on my mouth "Rue, your going to scare people away, the more the merrier!" Clove looks behind her to make sure no one is coming "I think were going to start with your mouth." Clove picks a knife our of her knife jacket and starts to bring it down on my lips.

"Wait please-" I say in desperation "I have a family, please just kill me quickly." I know it's no good though, people like Clove kill for entertainment, she wouldn't be merciful.

"Do you? Well that's interesting, yeah no, though, I don't care. Since you seem a tad apprehensive about this, I'll just give you a taste so you can get ready."

Clove brings the knife down on my arm, hard. I try to hold the scream that creeps onto my lips. The blood starts to gush out. I try to squirm my way out from under her but I barely move an inch. She's much heavier than me.

"Hows that?" She smirks "Or there's this blade." Clove taunts as she jams the second blade into my other arm.

I scream this time. The pain is unbelievable, there's no word that exists that could possibly explain it. My arms scream at me to do something, but I am helpless. The pain continues to take over every part of my body, down to the last cell.

"Thresh!" I cry out

Clove starts to laugh "Don't you get it? Cato killed Thresh this morning, he's dead, just like your going to be."

I stare into her eyes, she has to be lying. Thresh was to smart to die. To strong, to. . . .good.

"Your lying." I say through gritted teeth

"You can think that all you want, but I want to get this over with." Clove says.

She examines my face and then my body "I think, this time, I'll go for your-"

Suddenly Clove is lifted off me. The worst thought comes to my mind: Mutts. Have they sent them in for fun? Has Cato decided he wants to kill me instead? But it's none of the above. I look up to see Thresh.

"What the. . . . .your dead. . . . .Cato!" Clove screams at the top of her lungs.

I take the chance to start running away. I look behind for a moment and see Thresh struggling with Clove. I can't just leave him here, he saved me. I take the riskiest move I've done yet. I run straight to Cloves arm and jam my knife into it.

"Ah!" Clove screams.

I look at the blood and stare. A twisted feeling in my stomach comes to life inside of me and I start to cry. I did it, I tried to hurt someone, on purpose. Seeder is right, it changes you. I look up at Thresh and see his eyes. They are filled with fear, the same fear he had at the reaping.

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