Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 is dedicated to jiminshii_chimmy and josselynegamino and JumwaLuseno

Thank you for your support ❤

"No!" I gasped. This couldn't be happening.
I looked over at Ashton who was still stuck in a daze of emotions.

"You have to do something else!" Mrs. DeLorentes shouted. Her lips trembled and tears welled up in her eyes. "He cannot die... He cannot-"

Ashton was over to her in an instant to catch her as she stumbled back in shock.

"You may go in to see him," the doctor said softly, motioning to the room.

We rushed in to see that the heart monitor was flat and read zero. The oxygen mask and IV drips had been disconnected from CaVaughn. It really was over. He was gone.

His mom stumbled over to the bed in sheer disbelief. She gently ran her palm along his face as tears rolled down her porcelain cheeks.

"No!" she cried, doubling over beside the bed. "My baby! Please come back! Why is this happening?"

Ashton moved over to her mechanically and she buried her face in his chest as she sobbed uncontrollably. I brushed away the tears that stung at my eyes. This just wasn't fair. Why did CaVaughn have to die?

Malekh... my blood boiled in fury as I thought about how someone could be so evil. Now, I had lost two persons that were important to me, both in the same year. I couldn't even imagine how his mother must be feeling right now. A few hours ago she had been optimistic that her son would wake up.

And Ashton...

I went over to them and enveloped him in a hug. He sighed at my touch and allowed himself to relax a little. The doctors left the room to give us some privacy.

I felt bad, remembering the last time I'd seen CaVaughn while he was still conscious. He had done his best to protect me. Things had taken such an awful turn for the worse.

The doors flew open and the king strode in. I could make out the figures of the guys in the hallway.

He observed CaVaughn's body with a mixture of emotions."Malekh will pay," he growled.

That growl was like nothing I'd ever heard before. It was so threateningly dangerous and full of hate, it gave me goose bumps.

"Jun, do you realize what you caused?" he asked.

Jun appeared in the doorway with a forlorn expression. "Yes, your majesty."

"And you still think you deserve the luxury of friends?"

He was quiet.

"The reason I decided to leave you with them is because they're strong and because you agreed to fulfil your duty to my organization. Harden your heart and your spirit and don't make me regret my choice. If you ever come down with a sudden case of disobedience, remember that my son and your prince died as a result of your actions."

"Y-Yes your majesty," Jun answered painfully.

"Don't put this on Jun," Ashton growled. "It's not his fault!"

"It's somebody's fault. CaVaughn was too weak. I should have known better than to entrust him with something so important."

"If you came here to b*tch about your f*cking mission then just leave!" he yelled. His eyes were glossy with unshed tears and that pricked my heart. "You never care about your family!"

"What? You don't think I care that my son just died?" he growled.

"You didn't visit him once while he was here."

"Why would I visit someone who wouldn't even know that I came? I have a kingdom to run. I don't have time for such sentiments."

"You are so heartless," Mrs. DeLorentes sobbed. "How can you say something like that?"

"Tears won't bring him back," he grunted. "We will give him a funeral worthy of a prince and then avenge his death. I will make them wish they were never born."

He glanced back at CaVaughn's body and sighed. "It's such a waste." He stayed for another minute and then nodded. "After you've finished bawling, we can start making arrangements for the funeral."

He glanced at his watch and strode out.

"That a*shole," Ashton growled.

Everyone who had been waiting outside came in to give their condolences to the grieving family.

"I wish things had turned out differently," Kevin sighed, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

"Yeah," Kristof and Raúl agreed sadly.

Jun stared at the lifeless body on the bed and I saw the pain flash through his eyes, before he lowered his head and walked out. Kristof sighed and went after him.

"Poor Jun," Beau sighed. "He's really going through it."

Kevin patted my back comfortingly as we contemplated the calamity that had befallen us.

Not so fun fact: In some countries, white chrysanthemum blooms are reserved for funerals and decorating graves.

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

"His lips parted in a smile and his white teeth gleamed in the low light. He flicked the card to me and I fumbled to pick it up. Ace of spades. The letters C.D were written in the middle of the spade in elegant cursive writing."
-The Prince's Soulmate, chapter 131 (Elizabeth's dream)

It is believed that the ace of spades card symbolizes death. Did you figure out that the letters, C.D written on it stood for CaVaughn DeLorentes?

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See you in the next chapter!

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