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*sails in on a paper airplane and almost crashes into a wall. Tries to play it cool and act like nothing happened.*

Hi, Lovelies! Abigail here👋

I've folded up some awesome updates into this paper plane, and it's about to take flight again! So come with me, it's perfectly safe *nervous chuckle*

📢  Long announcement incoming. This announcement will not spoil anything for new readers. 📢

First, I want to extend my sincere apologies for the prolonged hiatus I took recently. Balancing the demands of summer exams for med school and recovery after surgery has been quite a journey. Additionally, I've been working with Wattpad to ensure the seamless continuation of the series. I really appreciate your patience, understanding, and all the kind messages you sent to me❤️

Second, let me say THANK YOU. Your overwhelming support has allowed The Prince's Soulmate (book 1) to achieve an astonishing milestone of 7 million reads! When I just started writing the story, I never dared to imagine that it would get such an amazing reception. Your dedication and love mean the world to me, and I'm immensely grateful to share this moment with all of you. Without each and every one of you, this achievement would have been impossible❤️

In the spirit of reconnecting and embracing our shared love for the series, I'm delighted to announce that updates on The King's Queen (book 3) will recommence on August 27 (a week from now). The reason for this being that I have two exams to complete this week (wish me luck🤞).

I'll be treating you to multiple daily updates. As usual, the story will end with an epilogue and have a Q&A segment, allowing you to dive deeper into the world of TKQ 📝

Get ready for a burst of fresh energy and creativity, because the rewritten version of The Prince's Soulmate is set to launch in early October👑 I can't wait to hear your thoughts and receive your invaluable feedback as we embark on this journey once again!

This new version will feature changes such as an improved plot with higher stakes, a more diverse cast of characters (old characters that you've grown to love/hate, as well as new characters that you'll come to love/hate), a completely fictional world, greater worldbuilding, improved writing, and more! Please keep an open mind and be careful to avoid posting comments that may include spoilers, especially since many events might unfold differently from what you remember.

After The Prince's Soulmate is re-written, the other stories in the series will also be re-written in chronological order.

As we gear up for this exciting new version, please note that the current version of The Prince's Soulmate will gracefully step aside on October 1st. The story has attracted many new readers lately, so if you need more time to finish reading the story or you wish to re-read the story, please don't hesitate to let me know. Your reading experience is important to me, and I want to ensure you have all the time you need.

But wait! There's more! A delightful holiday romance novel is in the works, and it's slated to bring you daily doses of heartwarming cheer throughout December☃️ So, mark your calendars and get ready to be swept away by the magic of the season. The initials of the title I have in mind are "I. S". Can you guess what they stand for?

Also, a little call for help – if you have a knack for creating or know someone who creates stunning book covers and graphics, please do reach out. Your artistic touch could be the finishing flourish that these stories deserve! Of course, I am open to hearing your terms and will definitely give you credit for your work <3

I've got some more news that just might make your literary hearts race with excitement! 📚✨ Get ready to dive into a brand-new series debuting next year, and guess what? Updates for this new series will unfold right alongside The Prince's Soulmate.

And that's not all – brace yourselves for more stories that will come to life in the coming year as I work to bring you an array of new adventures, characters, and twists that I can't wait for you to discover!

We're diving into the world of social media like never before! In addition to our existing Instagram platform, new platforms will be introduced this year, including popular favorites like TikTok and Discord. These platforms will allow us to connect, share, and interact in fresh and engaging ways, and I can't wait to see our community thrive and grow.

There are plans for many fun, interactive activities, and a more detailed schedule for the events coming in 2024 will be revealed in January.

I will be revamping my reading lists to further promote and celebrate more talented authors. Together, we'll uncover the hidden gems and share in the beauty of the incredible stories that Wattpad has in store for us. 📚

Please keep an eye out for any sites that plagiarize my works. I've recently come across another site, Dreame, where a user has uploaded an exact copy of The Prince's Soulmate under a different title. I will be working with Wattpad to have the story taken down from the unauthorized site. Please know that I only post my stories on Wattpad.

On a brighter note, I'm really excited about the future ahead. I want to create a deeper connection with all of you, sharing not just my stories, but also more about my daily life and the journey of bringing these stories to life. Our connection is what makes this journey truly remarkable, and I can't want to make it even more special.

Whether you've messaged me on Wattpad or Instagram, rest assured that I will be engaging with every single one of you. Please bear with me while I navigate through the treasure trove of messages this month. I read and respond to every message 💬

My inbox is not just a space for messages—it's a completely confidential, judgment-free space, and I'm here whether you just want to chat or need a listening ear. I try my best to respond as quickly as possible because your words matter ❤️

Do you have any questions, suggestions or concerns? Please leave them in the comments or shoot me a message on Wattpad or Instagram.

Thank you for being the heart and soul of my literary journey. Your enthusiasm and support mean the world to me, and I can't wait to continue this exciting journey together. I look forward to your continued love and support. Here's to the adventures that await and the incredible moments we'll share!❤️✨️

Stay happy, healthy, and hydrated, my Loves!
Abigail (XclusivelyA)

Stay happy, healthy, and hydrated, my Loves!Abigail (XclusivelyA)

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