Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 is dedicated to Abrakadabra11111 and ViaFTW and SamSonDance

Thank you for your support ❤




In the midst of planning Jun's party, I also had another pressing matter to attend to.

Semester finals.

Instead of doing the exams in Cothe, I'd chosen to return to Crysauralia and do the exams online, because I didn't want to spend another winter away from my family. It was almost Christmas and I wanted to celebrate it with everyone.

I sighed, turning another heavily annotated page. At this point I was basically highlighting the whole book.

"Cheer up," Ashton grinned beside me.

"That's easy for you to say," I grouched. "Your exams are finished and you only have one year of university left."

"Look at the bright side; you're about forty percent done with med school. You only have like a bajillion more years left," he teased and I glared at him.

"Okay, I think you need a break," he said, plucking the thick textbook from my hands.


"No buts. You've been poring over this all day. Give your eyes a rest."

I popped a gummy bear into my mouth and sighed, lying back on the chair. I almost missed high school, back when there were no thousand slide PowerPoints and clinical rotations.

Don't get me wrong, I loved medical school and I embraced the challenges it threw at me. I just always got stressed at the end of the year because as a scholarship student, I couldn't afford to fail and after making the Dean's list for the past two years, everyone's expectations of me was through the roof. I couldn't disappoint them.

"When will Emperor Caden be returning?' I asked.

Ashton cringed. "Must you call him that?"

"That's what he is, isn't he?" I chuckled. "The kingdom of Cothe joining with us was faster than I'd expected."

"I think his plan is world domination," Ashton grumbled. "But I can't blame the king of Cothe. His kingdom's never been better."

I had to agree, Cothe was thriving.

"He'll be back in time for the dinner," Ashton said, answering my previous question.

My parents were going to meet with Ashton's for a family dinner in a few days. Over the years, they'd met twice to discuss my betrothal to Ashton and what would happen if we were to marry in the future.

My mom and Empress Arabella got along nicely, but my parents were very wary of her husband.

The next day, Melissa and Trey came back to spend the rest of Christmas break with us. Kevin, Ashton and I were there to greet them at the airport. I was so excited to see them again. They still liked each other very much and I was glad to see that they were both happy.

Melissa pulled her parka closer around her and complained about the snow. Being in the warm Caribbean for three years, coming back to a cold Crysauralian winter was a drastic change. As we chatted, Callie and Daniel pulled up.

Callie screamed excitedly as she hurried over to us and pulled us into a big hug.

"Your hair is longer!" she grinned, running her fingers through my hair. "You're totally gorgeous!"

"Look at you!" she smiled, twirling Melissa around. "You look stunning! Melanin's popping! Yaas queen!"

We laughed at Callie's animated chatter. When everyone was together like this, it felt just like old times.

"Let's get out of this snow," Melissa urged and we laughed as she shivered and snuggled up to Trey.

"I know just the place," Callie hummed.

We drove to our favorite place in Crysauralia. We hadn't been there in years. I was devastated last year when I'd heard the news that Creamy Dreams was shutting down for good. We'd made so many memories there.

Unfortunately, business wasn't doing so good after a name brand ice cream place set up just across the street from them and the owners decided to call it quits.

Callie had decided to take matters into her own hands and bought the place. After she'd renovated the building and edited the menu, things had been looking up. Now it wasn't a parlor with only a sweet menu, but at least Creamy Dreams was still there.

Stepping into the now different parlor, I was hit with a feeling of déjà vu. Everything looked different, more modern, but I felt right at home.

After my exams finished, I was fully able to unwind and enjoy spending time with everyone. My parents and I had gone skating, and although I sucked at it and clumsily fell down most of the time, it was fun.

Callie sighed loudly and slammed her laptop closed. "I need a break."

"You just took a break," Daniel reminded her.

"Well, I need another one."

He sighed, but decided to let her be. He understood how much she had on her plate. She was managing the staff at Creamy Dreams, preparing for a new movie, had a talk show tomorrow and was doing make up classes online.

After her movie premiered two years ago, it was a huge success and her tear-jerking role had touched the audience. She'd become a fan favorite and won an award. Now she was tackling another project.

Daniel was helping her with her studies since he was majoring in education and wanted to be a teacher.

Melissa who'd just entered the room, did a double take at Callie's phone.

"Are you looking at baby clothes?"

We all turned to give Callie surprised stares. Daniel didn't look surprised.

Callie sighed and placed a hand on her tummy. "I don't know how to tell you guys this, but..."

I held my breath. Was Callie really pregnant?

"I have baby fever."

A collection of sighs filled the room as everyone let out the breaths they'd been holding.

"You scared me," Melissa laughed.

"Don't worry," Callie laughed. "I'm just thinking about it, I'm not gonna do it."

"That's what you said right before you bought Creamy Dreams."

"Well..." Callie trailed off and shot an accusatory glare in Daniel's direction. "Somebody's not ready to have a baby."

"You have a movie coming up," he defended.

She sighed. "See? But he's right, I'm not ready yet. I don't want to be that parent who's always too busy for her child." She went back to scrolling through baby clothes. "So in the meantime, I'll settle for just looking."

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

Melissa and Trey are spending Christmas break in Crysauralia and Callie and Daniel are here too!

Do you think they've changed much?

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See you in the next chapter!

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