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They had been in the room for twenty-four minutes and forty-three seconds. Nate was sure of this because of the wooden clock which hung off of one of the walls in the small room. He had just been watching the hands of the clock move for over ten minutes, his mind running away on him if he wasn’t concentrating on something.

His eyes flickered from the clock to Brody who was still beside him. His mate was tapping his fingers anxiously against the table top, his nails making little thumping sounds against it every few seconds like clockwork. It was the only sound in the silent room. There hadn’t been words shared between them since just after they had arrived, both of their minds too preoccupied to focus on anything else.

Brody must have felt Nate’s eyes on him as the boy looked up, green eyes meeting brown. There were mixed emotions on his face, but Nate could see the strength and determination behind his eyes that mixed with just a sliver of hope.

The door opened, the sound intruding on the silence that had become them. They both looked away from each other and towards the door where Nate’s father and the older man from the council now stood. Brody stiffened beside him and Nate did the same. He looked into his father’s eyes, hoping to see something that would allude him to what transpired in that room, to the fate the council had chosen for them. Unfortunately, his father’s face was unreadable like usual, a blank mask over his features.

The man standing beside him was the one who broke the silence. ‘We have made our decision,’ he declared. ‘I will let Mr. King here tell you the details. It was nice meeting you both,’ he concluded. The man then turned away without so much as a word, leaving just the three of them.

Nate’s father walked into the room, pulling out the chair next to his son and taking a seat. He seemed reluctant to speak, just looking at the two of them with a slight hint of hesitation.

Nate didn’t know what to say now. He wasn’t sure if he could handle what his father was going to say. He didn’t know what he would do if his father told them that they were being split up. The mere thought of it was like a knife to the heart. He looked over at Brody, seeing the face of the person that he intended to spend the rest of his life with. He knew that his father’s words weren’t going to stop him. In that moment he was going to take any chance that he could to be with his mate, and if that meant that they had to run away from everything that they had ever know, then so be it. He held out his open hand to Brody, needing the strength of his mate.  

Brody took it, wrapping his fingers around his mate’s in an instant. He then looked at Nate’s father. ‘What did they decide?’ he asked cautiously.

Mr. King placed his hands on the table as he spoke, ‘They decided that merging the packs wasn’t a good idea. It is quite unusual for any pack to merge with another, and they decided that uprooting entire families from Montana to Washington just wasn’t the right thing to do.’

Nate gulped, looking over at his mate. Brody looked heartbroken, his eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears as he stared at Nate’s father.

Nate squeezed his mate’s hand, feeling the weight and warmth of it. Were they splitting them up? He wondered. Were they going to try to do what Charles had wanted from the beginning, separate them and rip their titles away from them?

‘W-What do we do then?’ Brody practically whispered out.

‘Well, they did come up with a solution,’ his father explained.

Nate looked at his father expectantly, ‘Why are you dragging this out?’ he asked in slight annoyance. ‘Just tell us, we can handle it,’ he promised, but he wasn’t all too sure of his own words.

Camp Alpha (BoyxBoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz