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Brody walked into the training room behind the others, for once, he was not excited to learn. This was physical combat class, and he was taking it with Alpha's who had spent years honing their skills. He had read about it a little in books, but that was the extent of his knowledge.

Sure, he had extra strength seeing as he was an Alpha, but so did everyone else in the room.

He hadn't really spoken to anyone since he had left the pond the previous day, and so the idea of human interaction was somewhat daunting. He had finally let himself open up a little and then what Nate had said had hit him close to home.

He stood at the back of the group, peering around other boys broad shoulders to see the leader for this class.

He stood tall and confident, the exact idea of what a combat trainer should look like. His black singlet gave a view of his broad muscles and smooth skin. He stood with his hands to his sides as he watched the students enter the room.

Brody's Alpha nature was telling him not to worry, that he would be able to do this, but a better knowing part of him worried that he was going to embarrass himself in front of the entire class of Alphas.

'Welcome to lesson one in combat. This is your last year, so you all know the basics, I assume.' Brody felt even worse at that comment. The instructor continued, 'and so I let you partner up straight away. Work together, help each other, and at the end of the hour we will get back together and do some group work.'

People started pairing off and before he knew it, he was standing alone in the middle of the room. The instructor came over to him, 'Do you have a partner..uh..?' it seemed that the instructor was searching his mind for his name but coming up short.


'Do you have a partner Brody?'

'No,' Brody told him, 'This is also my first combat lesson.'

'First?' the instructor looked at him slightly confused.

The door to the training room opened and a guy came running through, 'Sorry, I'm late.'

Brody rolled his eyes when he realised that it was actually Nate who had ran through the doors. If anyone was going to be late to their first class it was going to be Nate, of course.

'Good, come pair up with Brody here,' the instructor motioned towards Brody.

'Do I have to be paired up with him?' Brody asked in desperation but the hard look he was thrown was enough of an answer.

Nate came over to Brody and the instructor left them, heading over to another pair.

'Uh Hey Brody,' Nate greeted, looking down, 'I uh, I'm sorry about yesterday.'

'I don't want to talk about it, let's just fight,' Brody stated.

'Uh, Okay.' The two of them walked over to the training mats and Nate looked towards Brody, 'So how much do you know about combat training?'

'Not much,' Brody admitted.

'Well, we learn two types, one in our wolf forms and one in human. Human is more self-defence and basic skills for the most part. So, just come at me and I'll show you a few moves.'

Brody lunged towards Nate with his fist and Nate dodged the blow effortlessly. He tried again and this time Nate grabbed his fist, using it as leverage, and within seconds Brody was on the ground, looking up at the ceiling and Nate's concerned face.

'Sorry, that was a bit much, are you alright?' Nate asked.

'I'm fine,' Brody insisted even though he had to stretch out his arm a little before it felt right again.

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