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Nate stepped out of the elevator with a spring in his step and a smile on his face. Today was the day, he repeated to himself. He hadn’t seen his mate’s wolf in the entire time that they had been together, all the weeks had flown by and with everything that had been going on it seemed like helping Brody train in wolf combat just wasn’t at the top of the priority list. According to past history, the only free time that the two of them had was spent in the warm sheets of Nate’s bed with passionate kisses and soft touches that made Nate smile just thinking about it. They hadn’t slept together in anything but the literal sense, but they had done other things that caused a little smile to grace Nate’s face just thinking about it.

Today, however, was going to be different. There was a camp staff meeting on from twelve until two, and that meant that they had two hours where the number of people who could catch them had decreased to almost none. Nate knew that Brody would be fond of those odds, and so when he found out he had raced to his room to change and was now walking down the halls of Brody’s floor. 

He reached the room, knocking twice against the door. 

There wasn’t any noise coming from inside and so he knocked again, hoping that Brody hadn’t made another trip to the library to add more books to his collection. They were only here another week, Nate wasn’t sure how his mate would be able to get through the masses of books he seemed to be collecting in that room of his. Brody had assured him many times that he had already read most of the books and he was just keeping them around for if he needed them, but Nate wasn’t so sure. 

He finally heard Brody’s voice as it wafted through the door which separated them. ‘Hold on a moment.’ 

That moment turned into more than twenty seconds. Then the door was finally opened. Nate had been prepared to smile sweetly at his boyfriend, but instead he just gave him a curious look. ‘What are you wearing?’ he asked. 

Brody ran a hand through his dishevelled hair and looked down at the grey sweatpants and white shirt he was wearing. Nate pointed to the stains on the shirt and shook his head, ‘How on earth will you ever get laid?’ he joked. ‘You look like an unemployed middle aged man who doesn’t care about how he looks since his wife left him for his younger brother.’ 

Brody laughed and shook his head at Nate’s words, motioning for his mate to enter the room. 

Nate closed the door behind him. 

‘First of all,’ Brody started the second the door was shut. ‘My final exams are coming up and I am in study mode, hence the sweats. Second, you are the one who seems pretty keen on sleeping with me so your comment just looks bad on you, not me.’ 

Nate laughed, ‘Sassy today, I like it.’ 

Brody pretended to slap his mate’s bicep with the arm that had been broken only a short week or so ago. The broken bone was long healed by now and not even a mark remained on his skin. Nate admired the arm for only a second, the knowledge that his mate was safe and healed gave him a warm feeling. That warm feeling wasn’t apparently shared by his loving mate, who rolled his eyes at Nate and said; ‘Shut up and go away.’ 

Brody then sat down at his desk, where Nate assumed Brody had spent most of his morning. There were books spread out along the top of the desk, spare sheets of paper with random scribbles and words splayed along its lines were strewn about on the hard surface in what appeared to be a random order, but Nate rationalised with himself that Brody would have some sort of system. There was, after all, method to his madness. 

Nate pretended to be shocked, ‘Ruuude.’ 

Brody shrugged, ‘Shouldn’t you be studying too?’

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