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He was on the border of consciousness, where his mind and body seemed to be separate for just a tenth of a second. His body was on a hard surface, sore and somewhat cold and uncomfortable. His mind, on the other hand, was someplace warm and familiar. He could just see it, just see the swing set just outside his house, he saw himself almost as if he was watching from a distance yet he was the person sitting on the swing, swinging alone. There was another swing, it was empty and it made Brody feel utterly empty as well. Then he looked up and there was Hunter standing in the distance, just watching. Hunter who was so strong and kind and familiar and Brody smiled because his brother was back and he was okay

‘Hunter?’ he whispered out, and that was what broke it. He was no longer at the brink of consciousness, he was there.

He woke up to a painfully bright room. Light seemed to be shining from every corner, intent on making his head spin and his eyes hurt.

‘Brody, open your eyes again,’ a soft voice told him. He tried resisting, keeping his eyes closed so that he could imagine that he was back there with Hunter, back at the swing set where things were simple and his only brother was safe, yet he opened his eyes, knowing that this was the real world and he couldn’t fight against reality.

Brody’s eyes opened hurriedly and he tried to sit up, but a hand on his chest stopped him.

‘Brody lie back down for a second.’  

He did.

Brody realised then that he was in the nurse’s office, lying on a very uncomfortable bed. The woman standing next to him looked relieved when he met her gaze, smiling at him softly. The nurse was a plump lady in her forties, dressed in a dark blue dress. He didn’t remember ever seeing her before, but there was something motherly about her that put him at ease.

‘Do you know where you are?’ she asked gently.

‘Nurses office?’ He supplied, sitting up. This time she didn’t stop him and he was glad, the cold, hard bed beneath him was starting to feel like a coroners table it felt so uncomfortable. He took a glance around the room. The small room’s walls were painted an awfully bright shade of white, with white cabinets along the side of the room and a door on the other. The bed was placed in the centre of the room, the only real piece of furniture in the entire space.

‘How do you feel?’ she asked him, shining a light in his eyes. Brody recoiled slightly from the light, but the nurse obviously wasn’t too worried with the results as she put the pen light back down on the cabinet top.

‘Head hurts, and so does my arm,’ Brody looked down to see that his left arm was wrapped in bandages.

‘I assume so,’ the nurse told him, gently repositioning his arm against his leg. ‘You have a nasty break in your arm and you hit your head quite hard.’

Brody wasn’t exactly worried, the pain was uncomfortable, but wolves healed faster than normal people and he doubted that his arm would take more than a day or two before it healed.

‘Now, you are on bed rest for the next two days, just until your break is healed. Then you can return to classes.’

Brody sighed, ‘Is that really necessary?’

The nurse then gave him a look that rivalled his own mothers and he knew to shut up. ‘Yes, it is.’

‘Okay,’ Brody nodded. Two days wasn’t that bad, he guessed. It gave him more time to read those books he had borrowed out in the library, or more time to make out with his mate, either or.

‘You called out for Hunter before, is that your friend?’ The nurse asked, no idea that her words were like a slap to the face for the boy sitting on the bed next to her.

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