Chapter 39

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Samantha decided to actually take her break on Sunday night during her shift at the café and sat in the staff room to call Emma Kate. She often just worked through her breaks or used them to study but she hadn't been able to really talk to her friend since Monday when they had met for coffee on campus and she missed her terribly.

"Hey, sweet-feet" Sam said as soon as Emma Kate picked up. She knew that Emma Kate was still back home in Shadow Valley with her grandmother. The two of them shared each other's work and school calendars as a way to keep tabs on each other. Although they liked the idea of being roommates and living together they were both mature enough to realize that they each needed their own space. This way though, there was always someone who knew where they were or where they should be if they had problems.

Every Monday morning, without fail, for the past six years since they'd first been separated after high school, Samantha emailed her upcoming work and class schedule for the week to Emma Kate and Emma Kate did the same to her. Samantha assumed that she would also now have to do this with Adam too, since her daily schedule was usually the first thing that he asked her when they spoke in the mornings.

Samantha, of course, not being the tech-geek that Emma Kate was, always printed Emma Kate's schedule out onto paper with her printer and put a copy up on her refrigerator door at home as well as writing it into her day-planner. She much preferred the use of paper and pen to computer.

Emma Kate, however, was ruled by her phone so as soon as she could she had set Sam up with a shared electronic calendar that would sync Sam's schedule with her own. All Samantha had to do was enter the information by clicking on the dates and times.

After the two of them graduated from high school they left Shadow Valley, their home town, and went in separate directions. Samantha heading straight to Jamesville for university and Emma Kate going first to Watterby for her undergraduate degree at the university there. It offered the best program for her chosen field, teaching, and would give her the base courses that she would need once she made the switch to Jamesville U after her two years in Watterby were up.

Having never been separated for more than a week before then, since the time they were ten years old, and then only because Emma Kate had the measles and G-May, Emma Kate's grandmother, wouldn't let Sam come over, that first year of college was lonely for them both.

They made it a habit during those years apart to Face Time every Sunday night and have at least one phone conversation mid-week, usually Wednesdays, as well as their random texts and emails to each other.

By the time Emma Kate earned her diploma and moved to Jamesville to finish her schooling they had the routine down pat, now also being able to add in the benefit of real face to face visits plus going to the gym together, usually two or three times a week, when they could manage.

"I've been a sucky friend lately" Sam said with regret. "I've picked up another tutoring job so haven't had much free time to call. I'll send you my updated schedule tonight when I get home"

"Then I've been a sucky friend too" Emma Kate replied, sounding as though she was talking around a mouthful of food. "I picked up a second job at the university in the Dean's office two days a week doing his filing. I'm supposed to start as soon as I get back next week. I'll send you my updated schedule later too".

"So how's G-May? Is she getting around okay?"

"She's already back to spin class, which is insane" Emma Kate snorted.

"She got your flowers by the way, and said to thank you so I'm thinking that you should be getting a card in the mail soon"

Sam smiled. "I'm glad. I hope to be just like her when I'm 73."

"So what else is new, friend? Any hot dates lined up?"

Again Emma Kate snorted. "I wish. Although, with my schedule I barely have time to shower and brush my hair and teeth. If I had to add in shaving my legs and putting on makeup for a date I'd be in trouble."

Sam laughed and the two of them got caught up on the gossip about the people they knew back home and talked about their classes.

"This was great" Sam said sadly "but I had better get back to work"

Sighing Emma Kate paused before agreeing "Yeah me too. How about coffee as soon as I get back? I should be back by Thursday. I really miss you"

Sensing that something was bothering her friend Samantha didn't hesitate in agreeing. "I'm in" Sam said putting some enthusiasm in her voice. "I can't wait to see you"

As soon as she hung up and before she went back to work, she texted her advisor to reschedule the tutoring session that she had just added for Thursday. Emma Kate was more important and Sam decided that she could just fit the tutoring in during her lunch break on another day instead.

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