A year

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A whole year has passed now. A whole year of training. It was as Guy said, after that first time training with him, he came at least three times a week and would train me in taijutsu. According to Kakashi, Guy is one of the strongest Jounin who specializes in taijutsu. During my time with the both of them, I have really learned a lot.

We mostly focused on taijutsu for the whole year. Every two weeks they would make me increase the amount of weights I was wearing. As well as three times a week, when Guy would come to train me, he would always make me push my limits. We would run around the whole town, sometimes while doing handstands. He also made me do many push-ups, leg kicks. Pretty much anything. There were a few times where I was about to give up, but I remembered my dream and what I wanted to do.

Many good things had happened throughout the entire year, but not all of it was good. Sakura began to distance herself from me..I'm not exactly sure, but I think it has to do with either my friendship with Naruto...or she's still mad about the crush thing. I've tried to talk to her, but it's hard to hold a conversation with her. I've apologized to her as well, and she says she forgives me..but she still isn't the same.

Never mind that, I can worry about Sakura later. Kakashi told me that, he told the Hokage of my progress, and apparently, the Hokage thinks I can go to the academy now, though my parents have to sign a piece of paper. My parents have already signed it. This is it, I'm closer to my dream of becoming a kunoichi.

Today is my last day of training with Kakashi, even though I'm going to the academy now, I'm going to miss my training with Kakashi, and I hate to say this, but I'm going to miss Guy as well. He was one of the big reasons for my improvement in taijutsu. Kakashi and Guy said that they have a surprise for me, I'm kind of nervous as to what it might be. But whatever it may be, I know I will appreciate whatever it may be. I'll keep it close to my heart.

I waited for Kakashi at the training grounds, excitement coursing through my entire body. I jumped up from the floor when he was nearing the training grounds, I ran straight to him and jumped into his arms to give him a hug. Except that he moved last second...and I fell face first on the floor. I sprung off the floor, wiping off the dirt I beamed at Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei, the surprise, I can't wait anymore, what is it?" At this point I was jumping all over the place.

"Alright, Alright. Calm down would you?" He said, placing his hand atop my head. " You're all over the place." I nodded quickly, and began to calm down. He grabbed something out of his bag. It was a box, he handed it over to me. "Here, it isn't much but I hope it helps..I'm glad to have trained you."

I took the box out of his hands and opened it. Inside were a pair of shoes, but there was something different about them. They seemed to be custom made, which meant that it cost a lot of money too. "Well, I noticed over time that you never wear shoes, because of... you know...well I had someone make some custom shoes for you. See the thing about these shoes is that," He grabbed one of the shoes from the box to show me. "While they are really thin, they are made to be very durable. As you can see there is an opening at the top of the feet and the heel. So, you'll still be able to use your seismic sense." He gave me back the shoe.

When I took it back, I sat on the floor and began to put it on. I was pleased to find that the shoes fit perfectly, as well as they were comfortable. After putting them on, I walked around with them for a bit to get used to them. I noticed that there wasn't a difference at all, these shoes definitely didn't disrupt me as well. I went back to Kakashi, who watched the whole thing.

"Thanks so much Kakashi-Sensei! These shoes are great!" I walked up to Kakashi, this time..I wasn't gonna let him do the same thing as earlier. I walked up to him and gave him a hug, he wasted no time and wrapped his arms around my small figure. I was shocked when he hugged me back. Kakashi wasn't one for affection of any kind. Occasionally there would be a few headpats but that was it.

"I also wanted to tell you, even if you're going into the academy, you're always welcome to come see me if you have any problems or if you want more training." He released me from the hug. "That goes for Guy as well, we would both like to keep training you."

I stepped back from Kakashi with my hands behind my back, as a blush adorned my face. "Yeah, of course. I would love it if I could keep training with you guys..I really learned a lot with you guys. Thank you by the way..for the shoes, for training me. I wouldn't have come far if it weren't for you. So thank you."

Soon enough Kakashi trained me today, and next thing I knew I was heading home from another day of training. But at least it wasn't my last.

Short chapter, but that's to be expected. Next chapter Sorey is going to go to the academy, what do you think her first day is going to be like. What about her relationship with Sakura? What do you think is going to happen? 

Hope ya'll enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

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