Retrieval Part 1

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Amiboshi sat in the dimly lit interrogation room, his hands bound and a sense of unease in the air. Across the table, Ibiki Morino, an experienced interrogator known for his relentless methods, stared at him with an intense gaze. Standing nearby, Hotohori observed the proceedings, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

Ibiki leaned forward, his voice low and authoritative. "You've already admitted to being sent to capture Sorey Haruno. Now, I want the whole truth. Who sent you and what were your instructions?"

Amiboshi hesitated, his eyes darting between Ibiki and Hotohori. The weight of his mission hung heavily on his shoulders. "I... I was given a mission by my leader," he finally admitted, his voice filled with a mix of fear and uncertainty.

Ibiki's gaze remained unwavering. "Who is your leader, and what were you supposed to do with Sorey once you captured her?"

Amiboshi took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "My leader instructed me  to capture Sorey and bring her to a designated location on a specific day and time. Beyond that, I wasn't given all the details."

Hotohori's brows furrowed, concern etched on his face. "Why were you supposed to capture her? What was the purpose?"

Amiboshi's voice quivered as he spoke. "I... I don't know. Our leader mentioned that Sorey would be handed over to someone, but he never disclosed who that person was or why they wanted her. I was told to trust in the mission and not question it."

Ibiki's eyes narrowed, sensing the truth in Amiboshi's words. "You expect us to believe that you were following orders without knowing the full scope of the mission?"

Hotohori glanced at Ibiki, realizing the complexity of the situation. "Thank you for your honesty, Amiboshi. We will investigate further and uncover the truth behind this mission."

Ibiki and Hotohri stepped out of the interrogation, their minds filled with the information they had obtained from Amiboshi's confession. They knew they needed to make the most of this break to discuss the situation in detail.

Leaning against the wall, Hotohori crossed his arms, his face a mix of contemplation and concern. "Ibiki, it seems this mission seems more complicated than we initially thought. The fact that Amiboshi's leader remains elusive and that he was unaware of the full extent of the mission raises more questions."

Ibiki nodded, his gaze focused. "Indeed, Hotohori. It's clear that Amiboshi was just a pawn in a larger scheme. But what concerns me the most is some rumors I have been hearing. According to my sources, two members of the Akatsuki are expected to be in a neighboring town, in the outskirts of the village."

Hotohori's eyes widened, realization dawning upon him. "So, it's possible that the akatsuki is involved in this plot. If our suspicions are correct, this could have severe implications for the village and Sorey's safety."

Ibiki's voice turned serious. "That's why we need to extract every bit of information from Amiboshi. We need to know the exact location and time of the meeting. If it aligns with the presence of the akatsuki members, we can intervene and prevent any potential disaster."

With their minds made up, Ibiki and Hotohori returned to the interrogation room. Ibiki resumed his position across the table from Amiboshi, his demeanor hardened. The questions continued, probing deeper into the mission's details and Amiboshi's role.

Finally, with a calculated pause, Ibiki leaned forward and asked the crucial question. "Amiboshi, you mentioned a designated location for the meeting. Where is it? And when is this supposed rendezvous?"

Amiboshi's gaze flickered, his face contorted with a mixture of fear and resignation. "The meeting... It's set to take place in a shrine on the outskirts of the village. Tomorrow night, at midnight."

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