Chunin Exams III

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Like they promised, team three met up at the BBQ. Sorey shoved three pieces of cooked meat in her mouth. "Don't you have any manners Sorey? Jeez I swear you act more like an aggressive man than a girl." Nuriko said, looking at Sorey in disgust as she shoveled in more meat and rice into her mouth.

Sorey ignored Nuriko and continued to shovel the rice into her mouth. Hotohori sighed at the lack of table manners and finally began to explain what training would be happening over the upcoming month for the final exam. "I assigned you guys teachers to help you improve on your skills for the finals. Each teacher that I assigned will be helping you on your strengths. Sorey, you will be staying with me. Nuriko I have a friend of mine who will be meeting you at our usual training grounds in about an hour. Tamahome, an old friend of yours will be visiting for the chunin exams, he said he would train you." He explained, grabbing some meat from off of the grill and eating it.

Tamahome looked up from his food in surprise. "No way, sensei is back?!" Tamahome shoved the rest of his bowl of rice in his mouth and ran out of the restaurant. Sorey went back to her meal, eating a bit slower now. "So who is the 'Sensei' that Tamahome mentioned?"

"Not sure, but Tamahome did tell me that this guy taught him all he knows about martial arts." Nuriko said, gently tapping the corner of his mouth with his napkin. He then stood up, slapping some money on the table. "For Tamahome and I. Better head to the training grounds, good luck on your training Sorey." He smirked, holding his hand out. "See you at the finals, first I'll beat Tamahome and then I'll beat you Sorey."

Sorey belted out a burp, sticking her hand out shaking Nuriko's. "I wouldn't be so sure Nuriko, I think it will be me, who beat you." And with that Nuriko left, leaving Hotohori and Sorey alone in the booth of the restaurant. Hotohori quickly paid for the food and led Sorey to the training grounds. They shortly arrived and quickly got to work.

"Alright, I think we need to up your game Sorey. But the question is how do we do that? Well first of all, I think you need to learn a few more earth jutsus, seeing as who your next opponent is. Now you told me that you can bend earth right, and you've demonstrated it a few times." A grin appeared on his face.

"I think you should start using your earth bending more, maybe not at the chunin exams in front of all these people. But after you become a chunin, start using it on missions you receive." There was a reason for this, Hotohori truly believed that his team would be able to pass the Chunin exams. Even if Sorey tried to keep her earth bending a secret, there would be a day where she has to reveal her ability.

Hotohori also had a theory, she said she could bend earth, but what about other materials of the earth? Sand and metal, they all come from the earth. There are so many things that Sorey could do and Hotohori was excited to see her grow. For the remainder of the month Sorey worked long and hard, she improved her earth jutsus, the durability of them, and how long they would last against attacks from other opponents.

Sorey also had reached out to her old team, Neji and Tenten, Lee was still in the hospital after what had happened to him, with his fight with Gaara. They trained together a few times, but Neji and Sorey not as much. They didn't want to reveal anything new they might have learned, because it could be possible they could be put up against each other. Although it wasn't just Sorey training hard for the final exam, her teammates as well were training, each member burning with a fire, a desire to win, to prove something.


Team 3 stood in a line with the rest of the contestants. Neji, Shikamaru, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and Dosu. Two people were missing and surprise surprise! It was Naruto and Sasuke, of course they would start to take on Kakashi's habit of being late. Hayate stood in front of the contestants.

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