Thirty Six

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"It should be moved lower."

"The Prince will not allow that!"

"No higher!"

A sigh left my lips as I felt extremely warm and soft hands prod at my back. The women...the women known as the Caticala who had forcefully removed hair from my body were now back.

After a few days of avoiding them they have finally captured me and dragged me to the room of beautiful gowns and dresses again. They have not explained to me why I was in here again, and I was too tired and stressed out to question them.

It has been five days since I have last slept, ate, or spoken with my husband. It made me terrified and nervous. I would wake up and I could see that his side of the bed was a bit crumpled but I had no real evidence that he would slip into bed and sleep with me. I sleep entirely too heavily to wake up in the middle of the night.

My fevers and pains have also become more frequent, which mean that I should be getting my wings soon! Tis a happy thing to know but the symptoms of such beautiful wings were absolutely awful! I have cried many times these last few days thinking of Loche and what I was to do with my husband who has been ignoring me.

After he...ended his fathers life and another man for speaking ill of me I was so upset that he may end my life for lying to him! He has assured me that he would never, ever hurt me but how could I be sure? People say things they do not mean all of the time. Just like King Hrain...he made me believe he was my friend then he betrayed me! Loche was my husband and I was supposed to trust him, but why was trust so hard?!

"Princess do you think the branding will effect your-"

"-Hush! The Prince said he would explain everything to her," one snapped as I wondered what they were talking about.

I was standing in the middle of this darkly lit room with with my dress untied so that my back was fully exposed. I did not know what these women were talking about or even doing! They just kept on telling me that Loche would be here soon to explain everything. Loche coming here made me incredibly nervous. What would I do or say? I know he is probably angry with me...angry for how I reacted to what he did. I have never experienced anything like this before...death and murder and violence.

Winona spoke to me about how...violent dragons can be but she also told me how beautiful they could be. I could not find any beauty in what Loche has done so far...but I was trying. I really was! I wish my papa were here to just hold me and tell me I am doing the best, but sadly papa is not here. I am a woman now...

Being in a room with part of my body exposed and no explanation was rather nerve wrecking but I did like that my back had a chance to breathe..since it has been aching awfully due to my wings sprouting soon. All I know is that they kept pressing a painting to my back and moving it around. First I thought they were painting on me, then I realized that I knew what paint felt like and that was not paint.

They also kept mentioning my coronation which terrified me. I would be their Queen...their Titania. I was not worthy to beTitania if I did not even know the commoners, the real people of the kingdom. I wanted to go see the civilians and markets, and the children! I wanted to find Harkin and heal his sister, no one would tell me Harkin or even Cael's whereabouts. How could I accomplish all of this though?

"I think we should try on the coronation dresses!"

"Not right now, the prince is here-"

"-Or shall I say King!"

These ladies have already seen me naked while they ripped hair from me, so I did not have any problems really with the sides of my dress sliding down a bit revealing a bit of my chest. Loche was coming though and I attempted to pull up at the shoulders, placing my hand on my heart to keep the dress from sliding any lower. Why was I shaking? Why was I scared for Loche to come in here and speak with me?

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