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Dawn's POV

"And that's a wrap." Becky beamed in triumph as she leaned back to admire the flat-screen TV now successfully mouthed on the thick brick wall after five fails.

I placed the sansevieria plant my mother got me by the window side and turned to digest the new look of my apartment that had finally taken shape.

It wasn't as large as my previous residence. Not even close, and purchasing it had eaten deeply into my savings but I didn't mind. It was beautiful, plus I could still work, and I would save. I had my family and friends' support. I could manage my life just enough for my baby and me.

I even got this cute little combo crib with built-in drawers and a baby changer that was perfect for my budget and the ultimate in saving space. The nursery room was also ready. Becky and I painted it ourselves with neutral colors since we didn't know if it was going to be a boy or a girl. Although, deep down, I wanted it to be a girl so I would name her Ileana because she would be my little shining light whose presence would brighten my world.

I put my hand over my stomach and smiled to myself. Little by little, I was figuring things out and getting my life back in order. When I first moved out of the house, I was lost and the pain I felt did not subside. It took me some time to realize the best kind of love scars deep, and after crying myself to sleep most nights, I decided to allow time to heal my heart and focus on making sure to give my baby everything it would need.

This time, I wouldn't let society have a say in my life. I wasn't afraid of raising my child alone. I didn't mind being a single mother. It was far better than a relationship filled with lies, hurt, and disappointment.

Becky's phone pinged, springing me out of my thoughts.

"I'll be leaving now, Dawn." She announced, grabbing her bag. "It's almost time to pick my baby up from school." She gave me a side hug. "Sure you're going to be okay? She asked tentatively as though sensing my nerves. "I could come back later, maybe drop her off with her dad. He's been good to me these days."

Her concern brought a genuine smile to my face. I shook my head. I needed to get used to it. This was my new home now. "I'll be fine. Besides I still have one more box to unpack."

"Alright, if you say so." She kissed my cheek. "Call me if you need anything, okay?"

I nodded and locked the door the moment she walked out.

It was quiet. Too quiet. Alone with my thoughts, I walked into my room and retrieved the last crate I'd purposely kept aside.

I placed it on my bed and sat beside it.  There were some old books in there; photo albums, souvenirs and a bunch of letters, gifts notes.

I surprised myself by reaching for one of the letters. It was the very first one I'd ever gotten from David and it was written to me on our sixth month anniversary. I'd kept it because it was special.

I smoothed the old paper on my lap, contemplating reading it. I was probably going to need to throw it out along with the rest of the things that reminded me of him. Even if it didn't quite make much sense, reading it one more time seemed like the right thing to do. So I read.

Before you, my life was shrouded in utter and complete darkness. I'd lost my way, but like the sunshine you are, you came and you brightened my life and since then, everything I have and everything I am has been because of you.

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