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David's Pov

I had no memory of the moments that followed last night. All I knew was that the next morning, after nearly putting my fist through my bathroom wall due to the unpleasant memories of my past that revisited me, I found myself in my family estate, storming in through the front door unannounced.

The service maid currently setting the breakfast table jumped, startled by my appearance. "Good morning Mr-"

"Where's my mother?" I demanded, cutting her stream of words short.

Her brows furrowed, no doubt noticing the look of pure fury on my face. "Sir, um, she's-"

"Fucking answer me straight!" I snapped rather too harshly and you might want to excuse my manners today because I was pissed. I mean, I should've been home in my safe place, on top, beside, and inside my wife but I was here instead because we weren't on good terms and there was only one person to blame for this.


Speak of the devil.

Mother walked out of the chicken, holding a pack of strawberries and syrup. "What a pleasant surprise." She chimed, handing the ingredients over to the service made who scurried into the kitchen. "You're just in time. I was making breakfast because it seems the cooks can't do anything right." She narrowed her eyes, making her way to me and I swear to God I tried not to be pissed but seeing that careless look on her face like she wasn't the one who made me fight with my wife and go to sleep with a boner made me want to-I didn't even know what I wanted to do.

"I don't want breakfast." I bit. "I did not come here for that."

"What's the matter?" A frown line marred her aged face. "You look bothered." Her brows creased together. "Why do you have so many eye bags, haven't you been sleeping well?" She reached to touch my face. "Is that Dawn girl stressing you?"

"No, she's not." I moved her hands away as gently as I could considering I was boiling with pent-up rage. "What in God's name did you say to her at the function last night?"

She stopped as if she were taken aback by my question but then after a second, she narrowed her eyes. "Don't tell me you came all the way here because of that."

"That is exactly why I came and I demand answers. Did you or did you not bring up the baby idea?"

With a dramatic sigh leaving her lips, she nodded. "Well, I did."

Something pricked at my skin. Something I couldn't quite understand. Anger, annoyance, irritation. "Why the hell would you do that!" I snapped.

"David," she exhaled, shaking her head. "You're the only child of your father and he needs grandchildren. Dawn is the least type of girl I would've wanted for you but you picked her, right? If she is going to stay she might as well bear forth children."

I dug my fingernails into my palms as I forced my words out through clenched teeth. "You of all people know the circumstances surrounding the reasons why she cannot carry my child. It's the same reason my mother died, the same reason why Stacey left, and the same reason why you never bothered to have any children of your own."

"Don't you think you're being a little one-sided here? I only did what any concerned mother would do."

"If you were really concerned, you wouldn't put my wife's life in danger. Don't you get it? I love her with everything I stand for, why can't you just respect that?"

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