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Dawn's pov

I stood in front of my wardrobe, staring blindly into it, wondering how my day went from thinking I would never see my husband again to having him in my apartment using my toilet.

Lightning flashed across the sky and a loud rumble of thunder followed. I drew my eyes away from the wardrobe to the closed window blurred by the heavy drops of water hitting it. The rain still poured heavily with no sign of stopping anytime soon and with David's car dead somewhere, it meant he was going to be passing the night here. We were going to be alone.

The sound of the toilet flushing snapped me out of my thoughts. I drew out the biggest pj's I could find and closed the wardrobe. He was totally going to look ridiculous in pink but he'd have to settle for it because I didn't have any male clothes.

I heard the faucet run and soon after he emerged, still soaked and looking dreadful.

A moment of silence ensued, only broken by the clearing of his throat. He took a step forward, his eyes drifting from my stomach to my face. "Dawn, i—"

"Here." I cut him, stretching my hand out to give him the Pj. "It's the only thing I have. Change up or you might catch a cold."

He looked at me with a somber expression. It was glaringly obvious what he wanted to talk about and I knew I shouldn't have cut him off that way but for some reason, I didn't want to hear what he had to say.

Maybe because I was still very much angry he'd left me for a whole two weeks. Maybe it was because I was scared his answer wouldn't be what I wanted.

"Thank you." He said, accepting the PJs and placing it on the table beside him. He then reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing his hairless chest coated with toned muscles that flexed with every move.

The moment he undid his belt and pulled down the zipper of his jeans, my insides grew hot and my mind became a vacuum of its own imagination, leading me back to places, reminding me of the times I'd watched him strip, reminding me of all the carnal things that followed.

I inhaled quickly, shaking my head mentally to rid myself of all thoughts. David paused, looking up at me and It was as if realization dawned on him at that moment because he held up his pants, stopping them from dropping even if they already fell halfway, showcasing his drenched red briefs that glued his skin, creating the perfect outline of the semi-hard on he housed. "Shit. I'm sorry Dawn. I forgot this is your place and—"

"It's fine," I said over him, feeling my cheeks flush. He had definitely not lost weight around that area. My mouth suddenly felt parched, I licked my lip and watched his eyes drop to them. "Just bring the wet clothes out with you when you're done. I'll be in the kitchen."

His eyes lifted back up and his lips parted to speak but I was already out of the door and hurrying into the kitchen before I lost all composure in front of him.

Refusing to let my thoughts wander, I moved over to the coffee machine, turned some coffee grounds and water inside, and turned it on.

I didn't let myself think. I crumpled up all the fantasies in my head and threw them out. When the coffee was ready,  I filled a mug and walked out of the kitchen, half expecting to see David in the living room but he wasn't there. I strolled back to my bedroom. He wasn't there either.

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