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Dawn's Pov

Inside the restaurant was beautiful, nothing at all like what I had expected, and thankfully, the dazzling new dress David got for me fitted perfectly for the occasion.

His hand remained wrapped around the small of my back as the receptionist led us down a long hall to a private space enclosed with luxurious thick drapes that made it feel as though we were the only two people in the world.

As soon as I sat in a chair that David held out for me a black-clothed waiter appeared from nowhere with a pen and notepad. "Mr. and Mrs. Argent, your orders please."

David pulled out the chair next to me and sat down before picking up the menu tab. He looked over the list and then turned to me. "What would you like my love?"

I bit my lip and eyed the menu. "I don't know, they all look so good."

He swung his gaze back to the waiter and smiled. "Just tell the chef we'll have his recommendation."

She nodded and walked away.

"This place is beautiful," I observed, letting my eyes wander.

He put his hand on my thigh beneath the table and gave it a soft squeeze. "I knew you'd love it."

I flushed. "I do. How did you find it?"

"The manager visited me today. Thought I'd try it out since I partly own half of the place now."

"Mn." I appraised. "I thought investing in restaurants was a little chancy."

He shrugged softly. "I took a calculated chance which will pay off in the next year to come."

"That's smart." I fawned, just about when two waiters walked into the space with a tray of mouthwatering dishes alongside a Sterling ice bucket that had a bottle of wine in it.

We ate and made small conversations and I had honestly lost count of how many times he'd made me smile night.

A little while later after dessert, David walked over to the cashier's desk to settle the bills while I made a quick stop at the ladies' room.

When I walked out, I saw David waiting for me by the door.

"I feel so full," I told him as we stepped out into the cool evening.

He chuckled softly, his hands on my back as he led me to the car. "That's because you were adamant about finishing every particle on your plate."

I shrugged. "My mother taught me never to waste food."

"She taught you well."

I smiled. "Thank you, David, I had a swell time."

"Anything for you, my love." He grinned and I was just about to speak again when a feminine voice interrupted me from behind.


We both spun around to stare at the blonde woman standing with a huge smile on her face. 

"David Argent?" She took a step closer. Her eyes heightened as they clouded with recognition. "Oh my God, David, it's you!" Before I could as much as blink, she had her arms around his neck, trapping him in a Chanel-scented hug that didn't end until he pulled away and smiled.

"Penelope." He greeted casually. "I didn't know you were back New York."

"I arrived about half an hour ago for my friend's birthday party. My plane was two hours late getting out of Washington so I was short on time and had to change into this dress on the plane. Do you know how hard it is to change clothes in one of those tiny bathrooms? I thought I was going to fall into the toilet."

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