Chapter 68

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Nanao and Akari walked down the path to Daikou Village as Enju was still unconscious after the beating she had

"Hey Akari we almost there" Akari looked at Nanao

"Well yeah just six hundred feet left, and I thought you already knew where Daikou was" Nanao shook her head

"No I was dead for quite a while so I don't, but thanks to Kazuki reviving me again I can finally see other places again" Akari looked straightforward

"Yeah, but anyways how old were you when you met Kazuki"

"I was at least 9 but before we could say anything he killed me, Tengge, and Johnny" Akari was surprised she never expected Kazuki to kill without hesitation

"Wow, who would have thought the boy that I love was a crazy psycho" Nanao looked at her and let out a small laugh

"What did I say..." Akari then went beet red

"I-it's not like that I like him like a friend and nothing more" said Akari

Nanao then laughed

"I never knew you had a crush on him but hey maybe I do too" she said jokingly

"H-hey" Akari groaned

"Hey we're here" Akari said as they entered a rebuilding Daikou Village

"So this is where Kazuki grew up in" Akari nods but explains to her that something happened a few weeks ago and that why it's being rebuilt

"Wonder who would have done this but anyways, Akari did you live her before" Nanao asked

"I was supposed to live here but my mom ran after my dad died"

"Oh, anyway where's the fruit I don't see it" Nanao said as she looks around the village

"We need to go to the head of this village to ask to speak with someone for the fruit" Nanao nods and walked towards a big house surrounded by two guards in front

Nanao had felt a small bit of fear in her stomach

"Akari who's house is this" Akari looked at Nanao

"Well Kazuki's of course he's the son of the village chief, Mr. Araya"

"Hurry let's go my shoulders hurt" Nanao and Akari reach the Araya residence

They reached the residence and the guards blocked them

"And you two, who might you two be?" A guard with a ninja garb asked

"I am Akari Hanao and this here is Nanao Kashima also this one is Enju Saiyajin aka Saion-ji"

Guards looked at each other and nodded

"You might be here for Kikuko Hattori" Akari eyes now had stars on them

"How'd you guys know?, are you wizards" Nanao couldn't believe it a girl who was smart not long ago was now a street puppy

The guards had enough and led them the way to Kikuko

Kikuko was in the backyard

"Oh lass what brings you three—" she paused as she saw Enju

"Okay come inside" as Kikuko got up and pointed at the house

As they went inside Kikuko pointed on the living room

"Lay her there" as Kikuko went back outside

"Where is she going?" Nanao asked

"To get the fruit obviously" Akari said back

A few seconds passed and Kikuko had the fruit split in half and took the seed out and placed it in Enju's mouth and her wound was being filled

"Akari I thought you said she had to eat it not absorb it" Akari shrugs

"I thought so too" Akari talked back

Kikuko hushed them

As Enju's hole in the stomach was being taken care of she woke up from consciousness and was back to normal

"What happened?" Enju asked

"Well you're alive" said Nanao

"And that's the good thing lass, anyways how you feeling" Enju rubbed her head

"I feel sleepy and why is my body drained to it's half" Enju asked

"Well you ate the seed of undying so now you'll have to train double" Enju was shocked but remembered she had a hole in her stomach

She looked down and there was no hole in her torso

"Where did the hole go?" Enju asked once again

"The seed sealed it" Kikuko said with a girly expression

"What's with the voice" Kikuko then looked at her

"I'm a girl too"

"But anyway what happened out there? And Why did Enju have a hole in her?" Kikuko wanted answers

"Well let's tell you what happened" said Nanao

Akari and Nanao looked at each other and nodded

Akari recapped the story

"Kyoto?" Enju heard Kikuko mumble that word

"Wait, you know her?" Nanao asked as Kikuko nodded

"Yes she was a student of mine back then but why did she want to kill?" Everyone shrugged as they couldn't figure out why

"Well all we have to do is find her and ask for ourselves" Everyone nodded

"Alright you guys stay here we'll get ready to find her and ask" Akari and Nanao agreed but Enju stayed quite

"Why so early can't we wait" Kikuko shook her head

"No lass we have to get an answer if we don't you'll die next time for sure and let's say you'll not see Kazuki where you going" Enju eyes widen

"Alright lass, lass, and lass we'll get dinner ready and head to bed, tomorrow will be a long day"

"Alright" Akari, Nanao, and Enju went to help Kikuko on dinner

Once dinner was they ate and went to to bed for their next day

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