Chapter 19

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Kazuki was out for a walk as he went deeper in the woods to train till he came across some ninjas carrying plastic bags

"What in the?" Kazuki crouched near the tree and looked closely

"So you got her" Kazuki looked at someone who looked like the leader

"Yes sir and I have the husband on this bag, so what are you going to do with him" The ninja asked

"I'll be taking his power and drop him back at his place but also once as I take the power of the wife I'll leave her in a cellar till it's her time for her to use the power we create" the leader said

"So you're trying to see if we can recreate more abilities with these powers" The leader nods

"Now then take them" but as he said that a swarm of ninja came to the leader

"Sir we found some powerful ninjas" one of them said

Then they toss their bodies to the ground and there I was shocked

It was Lily and Tsukuyomi

"But how I left the cave and no one was around" Kazuki said

But he continued watching

"So you brought me a pretty one and–" the leader stopped

"So you brought and old friend Tsukuyomi" he then placed one knee on the ground

"Long time no see buddy but you'll be perfect for my experiment" he said with a smile

"Alright get ready we're leaving with these four"

"Yes sir" as all of them picked them up

"Not on my watch, Breaking Point x5" Kazuki rushed towards the ones that have Lily and Tsukuyomi

He starts punching and kicking them

"Who is that boy" the leader asked

"That's the Legendary Ninja Kazuki" the leader then saw Lily and Tsukuyomi

"So these two must be his master Tsukuyomi and his girlfriend" he then smiled

"Alright let's go we don't have time if he saves the elder he can but these two are important so cover me" there were 27 ninjas behind him

As Kazuki was fighting the people who had the elders they all were send a signal and they stop fighting and ran away

Kazuki went up to the elders and broke them free but as he turned around Lily and Tsukuyomi were gone

"Dammit I have to get them back, Eye of an Eagle" Kazuki left eye was in glowing green color but he could see where the ninjas were

"Alright here I go, Stage 1: Maximum Power" Kazuki then ran with all his might and caught up to them in less than 10 second and took down a few ninjas

But some of them got closer to their leader

"Hey coward, Jutsu Blast" as Kazuki made a wave explosion cause a few more ninjas to fall but now he was left with 4

"Alright guys use teleportation so we can leave" They nod

"Not so fast, Flame Bullet" As it took down the last remaining ninjas

"Hehehe, too bad Kazuki, Teleportation" as he disappeared and Kazuki stopped

"Dammit" Kazuki got on the ground them to his knees and slammed it


Anger got the best of Kazuki

'Not now anything but now' but Kazuki regain control and did activate Legendary Ninjutsu

Kazuki got up and ran back to the elders bit as he ran back he saw the ninjas he took down were gone

2 minutes later

Kazuki went back as the elders were getting up

"Stay back, don't come any closer" Kazuki taken aback

"Mister I mean no harm I'm the one who untied you and broke you free" the elder then walked up to me slowly

"How old are you, young one?" The elder asked

"16" I said

"Interesting" he then bowed

"Thank you for saving me and my wife we owe you are blessings" he them lifted his head up

"Sir mind if I ask who were those people"

"They are a group or organization called Decay"

"Before you asked what Decay is they are a group who experiment on Ninjas with high power and try to mix ninja power with other ninja power for example, Lighting and water, would be electro water" he explained

"I understand so how do I find them" the elder pointed at the top of the mountain and there was a castle

"Alright I'll need more training before I go thank you so much"

"You're welcome young one" the elder said b

"Oh by the way my name is Hachiro and this is my wife Kana, what about yours kid?" Hachiro said

"I'm Kazuki Araya, The Unknown Legendary Ninja

Kazuki said as he jumped to a tree and went back to his cave

"The young legendary ninja Kazuki Araya saved us, honey we should pray tonight, without him we would have been goners" Kana said

Kazuki went to the cave and saw the ninjas who was in Tsukuyomi group all on the ground

"Dammit, if they don't have a chance then–ugh I'll train for a month and make sure I go intense" Kazuki went to Tsukuyomi's room and got the heaviest weighted clothing which was 70 pounds

He worn it and started training like never before till one day he saw a letter on the side of his desk and it read

Dear Kazuki,

I'm still trapped in this prison I tried to fight them off on my own but failed

Tsukuyomi also attempted but failed too I was shocked when he failed he the strongest out of all of us but please hurry we don't have much time before they take our power

Sincerely Lily

"Dammit, even Tsukuyomi tried but he failed" I was mad at what I just read but I'm also mad at myself. How could I let Lily and Tsukuyomi get captured?

The Next Month

For the next month I trained and I made sure not to gain any muscle which was good

I barely had any muscle so it was good to tricked them

It was time to get my master and girlfriend back

I waved at the ninjas who trained with me goodbye and I was of to get them back

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