A War Started

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Araya was only 12 years old, I was 79 old and rusty

Still my grandson was trained under me at the time before Kikuko took over

I was old and sick, once I turned 80 in a few months I went outside for the first time in forever where I just roamed around

I didn't know where I was and walked into a cave

"Hmm, Is this the cave they said not to go in?" I said to myself

"Ugh, My sickness is giving me memory loss might as well leave" I gave a little cough as I heard a voice and the cave closed

I thought I was going the wrong way but the truth is I was going forward and deeper in the cave

"I shouldn't be here, I should've stayed home either way I'll die by sickness or this cave" I walked and after a few more steps I saw a sealed jar with 3 torches around them

"Oh right I did seal this but how long was this?" I looked at the sealed jar once more

"Shoot him!" I heard someone yell as an arrow missed me and hit the jar

It fell from the table and shattered on the floor

"What!?" I looked at the dark substance

It was a small ball but each second it formed larger and bigger

As it came to its final form

It looked like a spirit but it was just an artificial life form

It went inside my body and that's when the pain started

I heard some voices from a distance and as I looked it was the Momochi

The chief from the Clan picked me up and took me back to their village

As I got their they chained me up in a Stackhouse

All I remember was me screaming in pain, each second felt like a minute

I knew I was going die that day

Or so I thought

Once I stopped screaming the Momochi opened the doors and saw a young man which was me I have regained my youth or so I thought

I was back in my 40's

Soon they knocked me out and I guess took me to their lab

They used my new power to start the war by getting some of my blood and ejecting it to the 3 former strong Momochi and with their new power they began destruction

3 years later I knew the reason why they started the war and it was from jealousy that Daikou Village was superior and better than Momochi Clan Village

But when Araya was only 14 he broke me out of that hellhole with my grandson, who is his father and they kept me hidden till the war got more serious

"But that was years ago and it's still going on to this day" Grandfather Araya said as a bomb nearby exploded

"Hana get ready" as Razor picked up his katana

"Yeah sure" but as she picked up her Katana it snapped in half

"You lived a long time, farewell Katana" as she gently placed the snapped Katana on the ground gently

"Wait Hana, can't you just use a sword art to fix your snapped Katana?" Hana looked at him as she just remembered

"Yeah your right" she picked it up from the ground

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