The News

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Araya PoV

It was a fine Friday and Cy was done getting repaired

"So Zina ever think abou-" before I could even set out a sentence I get a glare from her that made me stop saying anything

"Scary as ever" I turned around and exit the room

"*sigh* One day she'll have to say it" I go to my kitchen and I see Kikuko digging in my fridge

"Kikuko!!!" As she pops her head out my fridge she begins to talk

"Oh hey, Araya you barely got any food here" I went blank for a few seconds and realized what she said

"Kikuko to tell you I haven't went shopping in over a month" as I said that Kikuko was surprised then she began to talk

"Well how about we go buy some, Now!" She's less terrifying than Zina but matter fact, I'll go because I need my lunch

We were about to go till we heard a loud crash in the "guest" room

I ran over there and before I opened the door all I heard was "Where's Onii-Chan"

I quickly open the door and saw Cy crying into in the corner, head on her knees

"Zina, What the hell happened? What did you do to her?" Zina then began to talk while I was mad a her

"I don't know but it seems that Cy lost connection with Kazuki some how" as I look back once more Cy cries uncontrollably

I walk up to her and pick her up

"There, there Cy no need to cry" as I gave her a hug she questions where Kazuki is, I don't exactly know myself so I put her down and speak to Zina

"Zina, you put the signals between the two so you have any idea" Zina then pulls out some documents

"What's that?" I gave a confused face as I walk up to her

"Its the documents and manual I have of Kazuki and so he was either destroyed and the chip in his head or he was powered all the way off" as she continues on the documents of my son Kikuko calls

"Hey Araya I got a word from the hospital" damn is it because I forgot to pay the bill when I was hit

"Yeah what is it?" I was sweating

"They have Kazuki over there" as she said that I rushed toward her and grabbed the phone out of her hand

"Hey!, Is my son okay!?" I said loudly

"Oh Araya, Yeah he's fine he's in the healing tank, but he has serious injuries"

"How serious!?" I yelled

"We don't know yet but you have to get here to find out yourself"

I gave the phone back to Kikuko and I went back to the room to grab Cy and Zina and made a trip to the hospital

I opened the hospital door and ran to the counter with Cy beating me to it

"Where's my Onii-Chan?" Cy said as a tear dropped

"Where is he?" Cy was getting impatient

"Grr, Where's Kazuki Araya?, Where is my Onii-Chan?" Cy yelled but before the lady replied Cy barged through the doors

"Sorry about the my kid she just wants to see her "brother" Zina said

"It's no problem" the lady said

"Anyways, what room is my son in?"

"Android Healing Chamber"

"Thank" I thanked her and ran to get Cy

As I'm running I see the healing chamber

"Alright lucky they have the names labeled in last name" I look at Zina holding Cy

"When did you find her?"

"She found me that's all" Zina said as I opened the door and looked for Kazuki

I went all the way to the end and I found him

I opened his door and I saw a bed and a healing chamber next to him

"Onii-Chan" Cy hopped off Zina and ran towards the chamber

She saw Kazuki in the chamber with healing water and a mask for him to breathe in

"Kazuki, What did you do this time, brat?" I questioned myself

As we stayed there for a few more minutes till we left

I went home a talk with Kikuko and she agreed

On the 3rd week of November we start the ritual

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