Chapter 2

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Meredith's POV:

I'm leaving for Michigan in a couple of days and I've been vomiting every day around 10a.m I don't think it is a stomach bug anymore. Think like a doctor Meredith think.


My period is late like really late what am I going to do?! 

I decided to not tell anyone but Cristina because she is my person and I know she will keep my secret safe but how do I tell her?

Hey so I'm pregnant and I'm still going to leave.


Hey I've landed in Michigan and I just found out that I'm carrying McDreamy's baby 

or my personal favorite option 

Cristina hey guess who is pregnant with Mcbaby?!


This is too much stress and all I wanted was to get away from the stress and now I might be carrying Derek's child, but he chose Addison not me he doesn't love me and this baby and I don't need him I can do this by my self or at least I hope I can.

Cristina's POV:

Today is Meredith's last day at the hospital and in two days my person is leaving I wonder if she has figured out that is pregnant yet with MCBABY! I figured out a while ago that she was expecting she was eating everything in sight and she has been vomiting every day at 10 a.m. Maybe today I'll get her to take a test although I already know it will be positive but whether she does or not is another question.


Meredith's POV:

I arrived at the hospital and automatically I see Derek great just great I've been trying to avoid him all week so we didn't have to talk about our last encounter, Damitt he is walking over shit I can run anywhere I'm stuck.

Derek's POV:

Meredith has been avoiding me ever since she blew up at me last week I know me choosing Addison, hurt her but I didn't expect her to cut me out of her life, I need to get her to listen to me.

I just finished my shift and I saw Meredith our eyes locked and I began walking towards her because she can't run away without me following her so she is stuck having to talk to me.

"Mer... I need to talk to you"

"What did I say about you calling me Mer only my friends can and you aren't my friend Dr. Shepherd."

"Meredith I need to talk to you please I know that I have hurt you and I'm sorry please just let me talk to you please,"

" okay well today is Tuesday and I'm not free till Friday so we can talk then"


I looked up and she was already gone, I'm glad that she has agreed to talk to me :).

Meredith's POV:

I know agreeing to talk to him when I will be on a plane wasn't very kind of me but he doesn't deserve me to be kind to him, although it is killing me to be mean to him because I still love him but I don't think her loves me, no I know he doesn't love me, he chose Addison.

I began to pack up my locker when Cristina walked in she looked really serious but I have no clue what about because I'm not leaving till Thursday. So I ask her what's on her mind.

"Cris, you alright?"

"I need you to take a test." She said bluntly

" what a pregnancy test?"


"um okay"

Cristina then hands me two tests, I walk into the bathroom and began to pee on the sticks.

"Cris... what if they're positive?"

"Give it five minutes and we will go from there."

*5 minutes later*

It was time to check the tests but I just couldn't bring myself to look I had my suspicions if I was or not but this will just be making it all real, that I'm carrying the love of my life's baby alone.

"Cris can you flip it I can't"

" Okay ready?"

"no, but do it anyway"

Positive and Positive 

"Congrats Mer you're going to be a mum"

I burst into tears I can't do this by myself and I'm moving so I will be by myself what have I gotten myself into.

Cristina's POV:

Meredith was crying and I didn't know what to do, I'm not entirely good with emotions so I sat there and hugged her until her crying slowly turned into sobs, once she stopped crying I asked her what she wanted to do.



"want do you want to do?"

" i- think-  I think I'm going to keep the baby and I'm still going to leave."

" Mer you have to tell him, I know he is an ass but he is the father and he deserves to know."

" I have a plan Cris don't worry about it."

Meredith told me her plan and what I need to do once she leaves and what I need to tell Derek on Friday. This is going to be a hard and long 9 months for Mer, Derek, and I.

Chapter 2 finished, so the next chapter will be about when Mer leaves and she doesn't go to work, etc but also when she stands up Derek and more.....

As always if you think I should work on anything or you have any ideas leave them in the comments.

Have a great day :)

-Cerys x

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