Chapter 17

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Derek's POV:

The sun shined through the curtains of our bedroom and I knew this was going to be a good day, I looked over to Meredith and all I could think was how beautiful she is her beautiful hair, eyes, and jawline all that I had missed for eights months is now back and sleeping and snoring in front of me, how could I have nearly lost all of what I now have?

Meredith's POV:

It was the first night that I managed to sleep soundly without interruptions from the twins and I am so grateful, I could have slept longer if I wanted to but I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me and I knew that those eyes would have belonged to the one and only Derek.

"I see, you are watching me sleep again, and may I just say it doesn't get less creepy the longer you do it, Derek."

"It may be creepy Meredith but you will soon grow to love it."

"Yeah in your dreams Derek, now we should probably get the girls and head down for breakfast, I can smell bacon so I think that means your mum has cooked breakfast so.....last one there is a rotten egg."

I sprinted out of bed as fast as I could and made my way to the girl's room, I quickly picked Eliza and walked down the stairs knowing that I run the race.

"Mer! That's not fair you got a head start!"

"I WON! Don't forget to bring Amelia down Der!"


Caroyln's POV:

I heard Meredith walking down the stairs with Eliza laughing to herself and I was quite intrigued by what has made her wake up in such a joyous mood.

"Meredith dear, you have woken up in a great mood care to tell me how?"

"Well, Derek and I smelt your delicious cooking so we had a race who could get here first, and as you can tell I won."

I've only been with Meredith and Derek for a wee bit and I have already come to realize that Meredith brings out a side to Derek that has been missing since his father passed, the sparkle in his eyes has finally returned.

"I can see you have won but the question was is Derek's punishment for losing?"

"Well, we have work today so I can find a way to make him on scut even though he is an attending"

"Well, now that's an idea."


Derek's POV:

Okay but first of all Meredith clearly cheated as she was out of bed when the race started so I declare a rematch, I made my way to the nursery and saw Amelia staring at the ceiling her blue eyes sparkling with sunlight seeping through the curtains make he even more adorable if that is even possible. We made our way downstairs and there was Meredith grinning from ear to ear with joy as she apparently won the race which again is false.

"And what are you smiling about Mer?"

"Oh, nothing besides what your punishment for losing the race will be" she laughed

I can only imagine what she would be thinking, we have work soon so I hope it doesn't interfere with my work as I have a big surgery today.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with my big surgery today, which reminds me will you be alight to look after the girls today by yourself as mum's plane is at noon today? And are you still alright to take her to the airport?"

"Derek everything is sorted now go eat your breakfast and go to work."

God, she is so hot when she is bossy.


I got to work and got paged right into the pit for trauma but what I didn't expect to see was a young girl who had similarities to Meredith being wheeled in.

"Lexie Grey, Female Age 24 head-on crash currently stable."

Alright time to stop thinking about the maybes and try to save this girl whether or not she is related to Meredith.


Meredith's POV:

Today is the last day that Caryoln will be spending with us but we have made sure that we will see each other and meet the family for the twins' first Christmas.

"Thank you so much for coming to Seattle and helping out around the house I have no clue how we will survive once you leave."

"Meredith, it was no problem at all I enjoyed meeting the twins and meeting you and I should probably let you get to work now, but please don't overwork yourself. Bye Eliza, Bye Amelia grandma loves you."

And just like that Carylon has left to go back to New York and it was the four of us against the world and whatever life throws at us we will face it together.


I walked into work with the girls in their strollers and I was automatically surrounded by nurses, doctors, and even some relatives of patients saying how beautiful the girls looked but if I'm being honest I was interested in finding my boyfriend and getting to work.

I continued to walk to the surgery board where I saw he was working on a brain bleed on an L. Grey. Which was quite a coincidence as we had the same last name but I chose to ignore it and walk to O.R 4 and tell him that his mother got to the airport safely and the girls will be in daycare.

*Over intercom*

"Hey. Derek, your mum's flight took off successfully and she should be landing soon I'm about to take the kids to daycare if you want to get some coffee when you're finished here is that alright?"

"Yup, that's fine, and thank you for taking her to the airport I'll page you when I'm finished here."


I walked off to the resident's lounge to get changed but I couldn't stop thinking about L.Grey it somehow felt familiar to me like it was somehow apart from me. And that's when I clicked I remembered the time when my mother told me that my father had other kids, which meant he longer cared about me and they were Lexie and Molly, L. Grey.

OMG I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this in ages I couldn't think of anything to write and I was super busy so sorry abt that! Also, I brought Lexie into the story!!!!! And she is like my favorite so that made me happy :)

I hope you liked this chapter despite it being a bit of a filler one but don't worry it will get heated soon (I hope)

Don't forger to like and comment :)

Have a great day!


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