Chapter 9

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TW: This chapter has mentioned blood, and shootings if this is a sensitive topic to you I suggest that maybe you skip this chapter.

Derek's POV:

It wasn't till I heard another bang that I realized that I was shot and losing lots of blood.

Death is funny in that way, you get told that your life flashes before your eyes but instead all I could picture is Meredith and our future kids growing up without me.


I lay on the ground, with my own blood surrounding me and there was nothing I could do that would help me I just had to wait until someone finds me or the tragic option I lose consciousness, which basically means I've lost too much blood or that I'm dead.


Bailey's POV:
There's a shooter in the hospital and we have no clue who is alive or dead. I was on the Neuro floor when some shots got fired we all ducked and started running to find a place to hide.
As I was walking I mean more like running to the closet storage closet I saw two follow doctors lying unconscious on the floor so I went to feel their pulses but there weren't any there, they had bled out and passed away. I continued walking when I saw Derek.
He looked so lifeless I hurried over to him to check for a pulse and thankfully there was a one, weak but there. I can't believe someone would just come to a hospital and start firing shots.

Derek Shepherd, my friend, my college, and one of the best neurosurgeons in the world. His life in my hands, If we don't get him to an O.R rather quickly he could die, and I don't want to be the one to tell Meredith news like that, it would break her heart. Although she left I know Derek and her still love each other.


Meanwhile in Michigan

Mer's POV:

I had finished a 10-hour shift it is so rude that they will only let me do certain hours just because I'm pregnant, I personally think that it is unfair and rude. 

Before I headed home I made a quick stop at my newly discovered favorite Italian restaurant, I had finally arrived home and I turned the news on and the breaking news headline was shocking. I could feel myself losing the color in my face.


Police officer: we are yet to discover how many have been shot and who the shooter is but we assure you we are handling the situation.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the place I found love, where I found my family, who all are now in there fearing for their lives. I know I should go over there to see if everyone is okay I know that is the mature thing to do but I don't know why but I just can't be there, there is also a gut feeling that is telling me  I should at least let Derek "met" his daughters in case anything were to happen to him.


Cristina's POV:

I was walking around to see if there were any cardio cases I could do then I heard:



"Sir please calm down- "

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