Chapter 15

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Meredith's POV:

These past few days have been a dream with Caroyln staying in our house she has insisted to cook meals for us or take care of the girls and it's the most sleep I have gotten since they were born so I'm so grateful for that.

I was walking down to the smell of bacon which made my heart sing I was that hungry and I needed to have a full stomach because I start back at Seattle Grace today as a Resident which is exciting because I'll be doing the bossy around this time.

The doorbell had begun to ring so I quickly made my way there before the twins woke up and I was shocked to see Addison standing in front of me.


Addison's  POV:

I know it was crazy of me to come to Meredith's house but I heard the news about her and Derek and I felt jealous, jealous of the fact she has all of what I could of had if I didn't continue my affair, she has the man and the kids she has a perfect life and well I have Mark.

So  I made a stupid and rash decision to visit Derek not expecting Meredith to be home but there she was standing in front of me looking confused and shocked.

"Um hi, is Derek home?"

"Yea, but we are just leaving for work do you need something?"

"I'm sorry but what I need to say only concerns me and Derek."

"Well considering I'm Derek's girlfriend and he is the father of my children that means whatever you have to say concerns me too."

Woah, go Meredith standing up for herself I give her credit for that.


Derek's POV:

I was walking into the girl's room to get them dressed and ready for the day with their grandmother when I heard a familiar voice, it was Addison's voice but how I thought she left Seattle with Mark to live their perfect little life together with the baby so why is she here at Meredith's house?

I snuck my way into the kitchen where my mum was clearly listening to the conversation that was happening between Meredith and Addison so I joined her listening to when I should intervene.

"Um hi, is Derek home?"

"Yea, but we are just leaving for work do you need something?"

"I'm sorry but what I need to say only concerns me and Derek."

"Well considering I'm Derek's girlfriend and he is the father of my children that means whatever you have to say concerns me too."

Woah Mer that was a good comeback.

*In whispered tone*

"Do you think I should go out there and see what Addison wants?"

"Derek, it seems Meredith is handling the situation I think the best thing you should do is get your things and take yourselves to work and leave me to handle Addison."

"Only if you sure mum."

"Der, I'm sure go to work and I'll look after the twins and remember Meredith is only doing charts and remind her of that because she will forget and take too much on, and we don't need her passing out today."

"Okay thank you see you later today, thank you again."

Now that part was covered I had seconds to think of what I was going to say to get Mer out of the awkward conversation.

"Mer you ready to go to work! Oh hi Addison, we were just leaving sorry you missed us."

"But Derek I-"

"Bye Addison oh and mum wants to talk to you about something seeing as you have already made yourself welcomed here."


Meredith's POV:

We hadn't even gotten to the hospital yet and I miss my girls already maybe I should get Derek to turn around and drop me off but I have a shift to do and Addison is at my house, never in a million years would I have thought that I would say that Addison is at my house even thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.

"Meredith, don't forget no surgery only charts and consults."

It's not like a resident would be doing surgeries anyway.

"Yes Derek, you don't have to be so protective okay?"

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you too" 


Caroyln's POV:

As I made my way to greet Addison I had to remind myself that she once was a part of the family and that I still have to greet her with a smile and politeness even if all I wanted to do was yell at her till my face turned blue.

"Addison, so I would like to talk to you come in and sit down."

It was now or never to get whatever I had on my chest off my chest and to speak my truth and put the subject to rest.

"So, Addison as I understand and correct me if I'm wrong but you had an affair with my son's best friend? Then proceeded to fight for your failing marriage fully aware that Derek had obviously fallen for another girl but not only this but while this was happening you continued to sleep with Mark ending up pregnant, you then tell Derek the baby belongs to him which resulted in getting him and his whole family ecstatic about another edition to the family just for you to accidentally tell him that the baby is not his but his best friend's child which you had informed us that the affair had ended. You didn't even mean for him to find out you were willing to lead him on thinking the baby was his. Shall I go on?"

"no, I understand that what I did was wrong but you have to understand that Derek cheated on me too it goes both ways, Mrs. Shepherd."

"No Addison, maybe he did cheat but he had moved across the country to start a new life and while doing so he fell out of love with you and in love with Meredith. You need to understand that yes there were two sides to the story but what you and Mark did to Derek at this present moment is unforgivable and I think it is best if you leave Meredith and Derek and their family alone. Do you understand?"

"I understand and I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused I did really enjoy being a part of your family I truly did."

"And maybe one day you both will be welcomed back into the family and as for this present moment, I just can't see that happening anytime soon. Goodbye Addison."

"Goodbye Mrs. Shepherd."

Chapter 15 done! OMG guys we are so close to 2k reads what the heck!!! This is truly mind-blowing!  Not going to lie I didn't really expect to get this many reads.

Okay, this was kind of a filler chapter but I really liked it anyway with the whole Addison thing :)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please vote/comment/read and have a great day!


Leaving my love behindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora