Chapter 54 [edited]

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The morning of New Year's Eve, I woke up in a cold sweat and acid threatening to burn my throat. Leaping from the bed, I rushed to the bathroom and bent over the toilet, silently grateful I slept with my hair in a bun last night. As the contents of my stomach emptied into the porcelain bowl, I could hear Jacob getting out of my bed to check on me.

"I'm okay!" I called out before he even took a step out of the bedroom. "It's just morning sickness."

"Do you want me to make you a cup of tea?" Jacob chuckled lightly from the open doorway as I flushed the toilet, washing my hands before reaching for my toothbrush.

"Yes please," I responded meekly. He closed the space between us easily in two strides, kissing my forehead before heading towards the kitchen.

I sighed as soon as he disappeared from sight, resting my head against the cool mirror. Another nightmare had woken me up in a panic, the fifth one in the last week. This time, I lost everyone at the hands of the Volturi: the Cullens, Jacob, our baby, the packs, Mom, Chloe, even Charlie...

I was all alone, crying and mourning the life I lost.

I knew Jacob knew about the nightmares, even when I didn't want to talk about them. He never forced me to talk either, which I was thankful for; instead, he would make me a cup of tea and make plans to do something to get my mind off the haunting images.

Today, though, was not an option for fun plans and distractions.

The house was eerily quiet as Jacob and I went about our business; Mom had left two days ago with the Marshalls, Sue, and Charlie on a five-day fishing/camping trip Bella and Edward conveniently gifted them on Christmas. It was the only way Bella could ensure her father's safety, and the only way I could convince Mom to leave me behind.

While I was grateful she was out of harm's way, I missed her terribly. The last time I spent more than 48 hours away from her was during a school field trip to an outdoor survival camp when I was 11. That had been fun, but I spent the next full week doing whatever I could to be with Mom - like I was making up lost time.

I smiled briefly at the memory as I pulled my hair into a ponytail, smoothing down any flyaways. A light knock on the doorframe of the bathroom informed me of Jacob's presence and I slowly turned away from the mirror to meet his soft gaze.

"It's time to go," he said quietly.

"I know." I sighed before heading back into my room to grab the backpacks Bella insisted I put in the car beforehand, just in case. "Ready whenever you are."

On the drive over to the Cullens' house, Jacob reached over and squeezed my thigh gently, one hand still on the steering wheel. I clasped my hand over his, a silent understanding passing between us.

"It's going to be okay, Leaf." He finally spoke when we reached the driveway. "We're here for you... you can lean on us."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Aunt Autumn!" Renesmee's tiny voice floated through the air from the porch as Jacob shifted the car into park. Her smile was bright and contagious, and I couldn't help but grin back at my favorite hybrid.

"Whoa, Ness! What are your parents feeding you, magic beans?" I teased with a light joke; 'Jack and the Beanstalk' was one of the children's books Chloe had in Casey's diaper bag to read to her last week when we all hung out, and Renesmee took a liking to the story.

"You're so funny, Autumn." Bella called out amusingly from the doorway, her eyes on Renesmee briefly before shifting to me.

"Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week." I responded playfully, taking a little bow and causing Renesmee to giggle. "Alright, sunshine, tell me. What's new?"

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