Chapter 33 [edited]

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Birds chirping loudly outside my window lulled me out of the restless slumber I was in. The area around my eyes was heavy with grogginess, almost as if I spent an entire day in a pool without sunscreen and my face was burnt as a result. Groaning as my body stretched against the soft cotton sheets, the sound of my phone beeping caught my attention; opening one eye, I suspiciously stared at the device on my nightstand until it beeped again. As I rolled over on my left side, I managed to see Edward's name flash across the screen before it went dark. The first message popped up as I flipped the phone open.

E: I know you're still angry at Bella, but please come with us today.

I rolled my eyes and opened the second text, yawning before reading the screen again.

E: Please, Autumn. I'd like to talk to you alone.

Well, that didn't sound very promising, I grimaced to myself. Knowing that Edward would show up on the front porch if I didn't answer, I sat up and typed a message back.

A: Fine. But there better be a good reason for this "talk." And hot chocolate.

A few seconds passed before a ding sounded off in the quiet bedroom.

E: Already waiting for you. Meet you outside Bella's in fifteen.

With a sigh, I tossed the comforter away from me and swung my legs around to the side of the bed. There wasn't any use in delaying the inevitable, so I headed toward my closet in search of comfy jeans and a dark green sweater; judging by the gloomy skyline outside the bay window, rain was definitely a possibility in today's forecast. Expertly twisting my hair into a secured messy bun on top of my head, I double-checked that I had everything before wandering into the kitchen. Much to my dismay, Mom was already gone to the bakery, according to the note attached to the fridge.

"So much for talking this morning," I muttered under my breath, reaching for a banana off the stand on the countertop.

My fifteen minutes were almost up, so I grabbed my keys from the hook hanging next to the front door and locked the house up; I was halfway down the sidewalk to the Swans' by the time Edward and Bella stepped outside.

"I'm not just gonna hide, while you're taking all the risks for me." Bella directed heatedly at Edward as she followed him down the front path.

"If it's Victoria involved... I need to keep you as far away from the fight as possible."

"Jasper said that I could be of help!"

"We won't need your help," Edward told her gently before nodding at me in acknowledgment and handing over the promised hot chocolate. "With the wolves in this, it's an easy win. The rest of us aren't gonna have enough to do."

"Okay, either it's so dangerous that I have to hide... Or it's so easy, that you're gonna be sidelined too. Which is it?" Bella asked pointedly, stopping in front of the driver-side door of Edward's Volvo. Her arms crossed over her chest, she held her gaze against him.

"It's dangerous for you. It's easy for us."

"I think it's dangerous for us to be apart. How many times do we have to prove that? I'll be worrying. You'll be worried. And we'll both feel more horrible."

"Okay, you're right." Edward looked off thoughtfully.

"So, I'm coming with you." Bella nodded.

"No, we've got to stay away together."

"I can't make you choose between me and your family, it's..."

"The only way I can protect you is to be with you." Edward reassured her before opening the door and helping her inside. Shaking my head silently at their exchange, I climbed into the backseat without saying a word.

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