Chapter - 33 * Survivng the date *

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Chapter – 33 * Survivng the date *

I walked home and If I said I wasn’t feeling giddy or excited I would be totally lying.  See Blake isn’t one for really romantic things, well from what I’ve heard so taking me out on a ‘proper date’ is something to be excited about.

As my house appeared I also got a sense of relief, being back to my old routine these days just waking up, going to that waste of time and space school walking home and complaining because I’m so unfit.

I guess I really did miss my whole routine those past few days, yes even the stupid walking part, well maybe not…

I really wish I parent would get me a goddamn car, I mean seriously guys is it that hard to go to the used car store, find a few thousand and get me some old crappy car that looks like it’s a million years old but drive me to school and back to save me the torture of walking for fifteen minutes.

Oh god I sound like a self-indigent brat who gets everything she wants. Maybe I should get a job somewhere to work off some money for a car, wait that’s a bad idea because heck knows how I’ll get there.

 Shove my keys into the lock and open the door a bit too hard that it hits the wall which I think is now dented.

Yeah go Chloe!

I slipped my shoes off and walked straight into the kitchen, oh god I miss this life so damn much just coming home and eating everything nice from the cupboard so when Max gets home we’ll need to go to the shops and get more food.

I got out some creepy Asian cookies that came with chocolate dip and brought them into my room. What anything with chocolate dip must be good I mean seriously it’s chocolate dip.

Wait what time was Blake even picking me up, wait let me remember what time he said.

Yeah I can’t even remember what time he said he was picking me yep but I’ll take a random guess and say seven thirty to eight. Since its four o’clock now I still have plenty of time to sit around and do nothing.

I take out my crappy laptop and set it on my bed, I make sure my cookies are there to and decide to get comfy since I’m not going to be getting up for a while.

Don’t you just hate that moment when your comfy in bed, everything so cool and then bam you hear the home phone ring and you just can’t ignore it without feeling guilty.

That is the situation I am in, now so against every fighting will in my body I get up from my bed and start running around the damn house trying to find the home phone. You know where it was, in Max’s room under a pair of dirty socks I swear his room is toxic.

“Hello” I answer

“YoYoYo This is A-dawgz whats hapenin tonight my brother, fo shizzle” who the hell is A dog? And since when do I have a Ghetto friend

“Um Who’s this?” I mutter

“A dwgz bro” they reply back, I don’t know any A- dog well I know a dog , aka Lilly but other than that I don’t know.

“Seriously who are you and why are you calling me pretending to be some ghetto creep” Take that whoever you are

“Chloe it’s me Amanda”

“Why were you trying to be ghetto then?” I question, Maybe she’s high on something.

“because it’s fun duuh so what are your pans for tonight”

“I am going on a date with Blake”

“Really? I heard he wasn’t the romantic type” she muttered

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