Chapter 39 *The graduations*

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The finial chpater guys!!!

Chpater 39 - The graduation

“Can you believe it” I whispered to Blake, He shook his head as we both looked at the stadium, Out school yard had been transformed into this hues graduation setting, the stage perfectly in sync with the mass of chairs that would soon be filled with graduating students and their families.

I honestly can’t believe that today is the day everything changes, today is the day we all go our separate ways and graduate from this hell we call school. As the realisation dooms on us that this isn’t the end of the sleepless nights as university is right around the corner, as things will get even harder.

But its all so exciting, leaving home and becoming your own person, its going to be a whole new ball game and I don’t know wether to be absolutely terrified, or weather to be excited that everything is going to change in the blink of an eye

I guess thats how it happens, It feels like only yesterday was the day we all walked into school for out first day, all the older kids laughing an taunting us for being so young and now I’m standing here with the very same people who I have shared my whole high school experience with

In other ways the new journey is scary as fuck, not knowing who will keep in contact with you as you change schools and move onto a different stage in your life, Its all such a mind boggling prospect. As much as I was excited I was at the point of crippling anxiety waiting for this change

It all happened so quickly as the chairs started filling up with students ready to leave high school and their parents standing there watching them with ether pride of a heavy sense of disappointment in their eyes.

Looking at everyone we all looked the same, there were no cliques pulling as apart, in this moment we were all the same, we were the graduating class of 2014, not one person was the loser of the school nor were the cheerleaders the most popular. We were all the same sitting down in our matching gowns waiting for out names to be called, waiting for that moment to get our diplomas and officially be graduated from high school

I felt Blake queeze my hand, my face must have gotten pale thinking about all this as his face was a look of concern mixed with excitement. Blake was excited to be leaving school, he wanted to go and travel or to pursue his dreams of being a mechanic. 

That was another thing that worried me, what would happen to us. I was moving away to America, as I had gotten into the famous Yale university, How would we manage this long distance relationship? He was such a handsome man he would have girls falling at his feet, what if he bit into the temptations of other women

It’s not that I didn’t trust him, Blake had mu full trust but it was everyone else that I had my doubts about. It would be hard only seeing him a few times every year, It would be the hardest time of my life being away from someone who means so much to me

I honestly still haven;t put that aspect in my mind that we would soon be ripped apart thrown into different lives, words away from each other. Many times I had thought of throwing away the American dream and staying here with Blake, and that option is still in my mind. 

I would give up everything I had to life a dream life with Blake, I love him with all my hear, with every part of my soul. I guess if you’re in love you’re a lucky one, since there are so many other people who are bitter over someone. I mean is true love really worth giving everything up?

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