Chapter 21 * Surviving the stars *

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Chapter 21 * Surviving the Stars *

The annoying chirping of early birds and blinding sunlight woke me up from my deep sleep. Seriously If these birds had a snooze button I would be pressing it on repeat

“mmmm” someone from our tent let out a moan but I honestly don't ever care who it is because I should be asleep right now but no, I'm laying here with my eyes closed and talking to myself through my mind

Well I'm not weird at all.. completely normal whatsoever

“Girls its time to get up, I know you're all awake” I think it was Amanda who said that but my groggy morning hearing is bad

“Ugh” Maya moaned, If I just lay here and stay still they might walk away and i'll try to get some sleep since the birds will see humans and go 'oh hell no its time to fly away' and leave

“Chloe you are such a bad actress, I swear you can't lie if your life depended on it” Maya giggle.

Keep still Chloe that's what they want you to do, they want you to wake up but just stay still okay. I can do this

Oh hey remember that ' sittin on the toilet' youtube video was remixed and then this woman fell off the table? Why don't we laugh about that right now? That is how my brain works when I don't want to laugh

“oh well I guess she's asleep then, lets go get some food and wake her up later” Amanda suggested.

Then I heard the shuffling on feet before the tent door was zipped closed. Thank god now I can open my eyes.

Peeking my eyes open I tremendously regret it, the suns rays are freaking blinding. Where are we heaven? No so why the hell is the sun so bright?

Well opening my eyes was a bad idea

Bad bad bad bad bad idea

I suddenly hear the tent getting un-zipped so I decide to lay down and close my eyes, I probably look like I'm faking or just dead but who cares.

“Oh look she's still asleep” Amanda observed

“I guess we'll just have to wake her shall we?” Maya questioned then they both started laughing.

What the hell is this about?

Then I feel a cold substance running down my face then soaking my shirt. My eyes birst open to first get blinded by another ray of sunlight then to see Maya and Amanda smirking at me

“WHAT WAS THAT FOR” I shriek, looking down at my white cotton shirt was now see through and you could see my black bra through it.

Rocking the yin yang look right now hey? Well the wet white shirt and black bra but its kinda the same right?

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