Chapter 25 * Surviving Divido *

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Chapter 25 * Surviving Divido *

“Are you sure your ok to go to school today Chlo” Max asked, concern lacing his deep voice.

“Yes its Thursday, I can't hide forever” I muttered, taking another bite of my Granola bar, honestly I really don't want to go to school but with every day I miss, The more work I have to catch up on.

The weekend was alright except for the deep pain whenever I laughed, but luckily it was getting weaker and weaker by the day.. Or I'm just overdoing on pain pills; whatever is happening it's good that this pain is going away.

This morning I was having a internal battle if I really should go to school today but remembering the intense conversation over the phone with Amanda last night I guess I had to go, she threatened to kick me in the ribs if I didn't come so I really don't want any more injuries..

“Are you sure cause I can call the school and tell that how hurt you are” she argued, after this he was getting back into over protective big brother mode.

“I'm sure, now if you'll excuse me I have to leave now because little ol' me has to walk to school” I commented slinging my bag over my shoulder and I started putting my lime green vans on.

“Blake's picking you up in around fifteen so you don't have to walk” Are you freaking kidding me, why didn't he tell me this earlier so I could have maybe slept for a bit longer.

“When did you find out about him picking me up” I asked through gritted teeth, yes I'm very personal about my sleep.

“uhm, last night he called the house and I didn't want to wake you up so he told me” he replied.

“Screw you” I growled, stupid idiot.

After about ten minutes of lazing around and stopping myself from just giving me and falling asleep on the comfy couch I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up from the couch, well not jumped more like rolled off the couch and landing on the floor because I'm lazy.

I would have rolled to the door but number one I have broken ribs and Number two he would think; de fuck? Why did my girlfriend roll to the door.

Not very appealing on my side actually....

Slugging over to the door I opened it and of course Blake was there looking sexy ask always; why don't I look like that in the morning. I swear he just looks sexy while I look like I'm hung over and haven’t seen daylight for three years.

This is why life is not fair!

“Hey Rebel, how are you feeling this fine morning” he chirped, why the hell can't I be a morning person like this?


“Number one this morning is not fine and number two I don't feel too bad except for having miss Maple next period, she sucks” I groaned.

Surviving My Senior YearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz