Chapter 4 - The Local Pub

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I was done with everything and sat on the sofa where Paul slept the other night. I started to become nervous. The clock was 17:30, just 30 minutes left and about 10 minutes until I have to go to the bus.  I had so many thoughts in my head it was driving me insane.

What if I really fell in love with him..

 What if he wants me to follow him home..

What should we name our first daughter..

Is this even a date..

I looked at the clock again. It was 17:35 and time to go to the bus station. On the bus I felt more relaxed thinking this would be fun. As my mother always used to say when I was younger “Leah, you know It doesn’t hurt to find some friends” just because I always was at home all alone.

 I jumped off the bus and walked into the pub. It was a really nice place. The pub is built of wood and it looks really old. It was almost always crowded and it was a lot of people there today as well. I looked around but I didn´t see Paul. I walked towards the bar and asked the bartender “what time is it?” He answered “17:55”. I thanked him and walked away to find a table. I looked around and saw two people leaving a table. The table was placed in the corner of the pub and I thought it would be perfect. I sat done and looked at the door to see when Paul entered. I waited and waited. Wasn’t he supposed to be here by now?.. I asked a woman “excuse me but what's the time?” “16:05 she answered. I was starting to feel impatient. Where was he?? I sat down thinking he was just a bit late and that he would be here any minute.  Time went by and I went to the bartender to ask whet the clock was, again. He answered a bit annoyed this time 16:30.  I realized he wouldn´t come and started to walk to the door when I felt someone poke on shoulder. My shoulder sent a wave of happiness to my heart and I got butterflies in my stomach, he came, he really did. I turned around with a big smile and saw a women reach out her hand and said “excuse me miss but I think this is yours”, she handed me my wallet and her lips formed a polite smile. My big smile disappeared. “oh, thanks.. “ I said trying to sound polite and not begin to cry.  I started to feel my eyes burning; I was going to cry any minute now. I ran out of the pub crying. 

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