Chapter 5 - Back to normal life...?

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I woke up. My pillow was wet, I cried myself to sleep last night all because of him, all because of Paul never showing up last night. I slowly got dressed and realized it was Monday and my work started in 3 hours. I worked as a waitress in the outskirts of Liverpool. I did not get much in salary just enough to pay my bills and food. I worked from lunch time until late nights. I thought to myself it was time to go back to normal life and not think about this dumb man Paul.

 I walked to the door took up todays newspaper from the doormat and walked out and started my way to work. I finished work and went home.

 As I locked the door I saw a letter on the doormat. I must have missed it when I took up the newspaper. It stood “To Leah” on it but no address so who ever sent me this had been dropping it in my mailbox in person. I went to the kitchen and opened it. I started to read.

Hello Leah!

I really enjoyed talking to you yesterday! If you want we can continue to talk when I return home from Paris? You seemed like a very nice and funny person and I felt like I could be myself when I was with you. Hope this don’t freaks you out but I would love to meet you again, I live in the apartment over yours right now but it is just temporary. Maybe you want to come over and visit me someday?

/ Ringo

Oh… My…. God…. Two letters in two days from two guys who are totally strangers to me, well I know this short-guy-with-a-big-smile Ringo a bit more than this Paul who I think I never want to meet again after what he did to me.  I looked down and saw another letter.  I took it up and saw it was a bill reminder.. Oh shit I totally forgot about last month’s bill! I opened it and sighed. I would not have a penny left after this one.. I left both letters on the kitchen table and went to sleep.

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