Chapter 8 - the friend..

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Chapter 8 – The Friend

I live in Ringos apartment now and it feels great. We are really good friend and he have been teaching me to play some drums, it’s really fun. The only sad thing is that he´s not home much. He and the band are away playing gigs all of the time but it doesn’t matter, I can tell that he loves the band more than anything and he always comes home happy and as long as he is happy I am happy. I think he is in Sweden now, but I´m not sure. He doesn’t really like to talk about the band. When I ask something about the band he just answer the question shortly and says that he is happy to have me as a friend because he can be himself when I´m 'round. I don’t really understand why but if he's pleased with my company I´m glad. He also told me he´ll be back home the 1th of November which is today!

 I looked at the clock 11:10, time to go to the bus and work. It wasn’t much people on the restaurant today which were good because I find it very hard to hide my excitement of Ringo coming home today. I looked at the clock repeatedly. Why isn’t the time moving faster? People come and went and the time ticked slowly forwards.

Finally my pass ended. I was on my way out of the restaurant when I met four young lads. I looked at them and saw a face I recognized. It was Ringo! Hello Ringo!!! “Hello L, have you finished work already?” he said hugging me tight. Yeah I finished for like a second ago. “Ah do want to join us, we´re starving and you might be hungry as well? ” Okay, yes I´m hungry. I joined the three boys and Ringo at the table. We sat down and Ringo started to introduce everyone.

“Leah this is George, George this is Leah” “Hello Leah nice to meet you, we have heard many great things about you” I blushed. “Leah this is John, John this is Leah” “Hahah I know Ringo you just told George her name and I happened to hear it, hello lovely Leah I´m John very pleased to meet you” “Leah this is Paul, Paul this is Leah”  “Hello Leah, nice to mee….. We looked into each other’s eyes, both of us froze.. It was him, Paul..  “Eey Paulie!, we can all see she’s very pretty but please at least try to finish your sentence it´s getting awkward”. Paul cleared his throat and said. “uhm sorry, you are right John, It´s nice to meet you Leah”.

I couldn’t stay here with both Ringo and Paul.. Especially not with Paul. I used the most common excuse: If you pardon me lads, I need to go on the toilet. I walked towards the toilets. When I got there I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stopped and turned around, it was Paul.

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