Chapter 15

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A few weeks later.

"Well, you're not pregnant..."

Oh good, I internally mumble as I watch the man in front of me jot some things down on his note pad. The letters looked more like scribbles and I couldn't work out how even he could read his own handwriting. His white sleeves were rolled up to his biceps and his glasses were almost slipping off his nose.

It's been some time since I left the Anderson territory.

I've had many missed calls from Alex and a few from Remi but I ignored most of them. I did text Remi to tell her how sorry I was for having to leave unexpectedly and that I had some unexpected business to take care of, but that I would be coming to see her at some point in the near future. I enjoyed the small friendship we formed during my time there. Alex and I also texted a little, mainly me asking how he was and him wishing me a happy 19th birthday a couple of weeks ago.

Most of my information was gathered from texting Maisy. Daniel, Remi, Alice, Lorenzo and his mate, Tahia, returned back to their packs and homes, leaving Alex to rule his kingdom on his own. Apparently, not very well the whole time though since he was recovering from some kind of silver poisoning. Nobody was supposed to know this since if information leaked that an Alpha isn't very well, it puts the pack at risk of an attack. However, Maisy couldn't help but tell me to try to lure me down there and apparently Mason can't keep his mouth shut around her either.

It's not something Alex disclosed to me during our small correspondence either but supposedly he's not getting worse, only better. Maisy reckons that he's lying about his health improving because he barely attends any meetings and Mason and a couple of the other Bettas he has, have to deal with everything.

Speaking of health, mine hasn't been that great either.

Since the cold swim I had, I keep getting the same sharp chest pains but more frequently and for longer periods of time. I thought it was something relatively minor like a chest infection or something of the sort but it never went away.

This is why I'm here.

"Any severe coughing?"


"Any unusual mucus coming from your mouth or nose?"


"Any high temperature?"


"Aching muscles?"


"And any shortness of breath?"

"Well, only during the chest pains." I try to recall.

"Okay..." he now moves to his computer desk, typing everything I have said in.

As werewolves, we have to visit our own pack doctors or get them to come and see us. It makes sense because if we were to ever go to a normal, human doctor, there's a possibility of us getting exposed. This man has seen me since I was a toddler with a fever, he was quite a nice guy.

"There's nothing wrong with you." He states.

"What do you mean? That can't be right." I cut in.

"I mean that you're healthy. Your blood results came in fine, your heart beat is fine and your chest doesn't seem to have any fluids, just a little inflamed."

"So there's nothing else you can check for?"

"I mean, unless you've got a mate running around, sleeping with other girls that you're aware of, no." He says, chuckling, knowing very well that I haven't got a mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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