Chapter 3

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Remington. That name rang many bells.

"Remington Greyson?" I ask carefully. It was more my loud thoughts than a question aimed at her because as I studied her, the description matched perfectly.

Brown hair, rather dark eyes, pregnant... Very good looking and from what I've seen so far - kind. And that scared me.

"Yes." She smiles at me again.

She was the mate of Daniel Anderson. She was the mate of the man who killed my father.

I tried to brush any negative thoughts I was associating with her away. She wasn't him, and all I heard was good things about her. Besides, she seemed like a very genuine person so I doubted she had anything to do with the murder.

At least I hoped, but you can never be sure.

"What are you doing out here alone?" She suddenly questions, cocking her head to the side and raising an eyebrow.

The man who saved me previously was now by the bar ordering a drink, and the blonde one I was saved from has disappeared - to my relief. Even though admittedly I still felt like when you turn away to find something to catch a spider in, and when you turn back it's gone.

"I'm not alone, I'm with my friend." I quickly answer. I didn't want her to feel the need to look after me, and by the looks of things she was already doing it. I guess her motherly instincts were already kicking in, even though I wasn't too much younger than she was herself.

"You mean the friend that can't even walk in a straight line right now?" She grins, challengingly to which I have no response to. "She clearly can't help you if anything happened after I left. I meant your mate. Where is your mate?"

Her question was something that triggered a feeling I didn't know existed. I was having mixed emotions about the current situation; I was talking to Alpha Daniel's mate, who was now asking me about a mate - both of which in one sentence didn't sound appealing to me in the slightest.

"I don't need a mate, or help after because we'll leave very soon. But I did want to genuinely thank you for helping me earlier. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't intervene." I admit - now thinking about it - really wanting to go home.

"You don't need a mate?" She picks up the first phrase of my response to her, leaving me confused. Was that so surprising?

She didn't look patronising however, instead curious and very alert, as if it was some cue. I stare at her blankly, for a few seconds before she continues.

"I like hearing different views about this topic..." She says carefully, and I felt like she was pushing me to continue with her tone. Maybe she didn't want me to leave her until Enzo returned, and wanted someone to talk to?

"I'm just..." I hesitate, "I like my freedom. I don't want to be linked to someone to then be controlled by them or the bond." I shrug, giving in.

I see a small smile that seemed to be contained by her make an appearance on her face, as she carefully listens to what I have to say. She gave me an impression that my view was the most interesting thing she has heard all day, which made me wonder how boring her travel companion was.

Enzo didn't seem the boring type at all though.

"I understand." She concludes, nodding at me. She turns to face a different way for a second, and within seconds, a drunk looking brunette stumbles in from that direction. She had short hair, that looked good with her face shape and deep, hazel eyes that looked like a very close match to Enzo's.

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