Chapter 10

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As soon as we get back to the Anderson pack, I try to leave Alex's side as soon as I could.

I was a little more cold towards him after making my decision to leave tomorrow - for which I felt guilty about - but I didn't want to bond with him any further. It would make leaving so much more difficult for the both of us. I already didn't want to - that was a bad sign.

I went straight to my assigned room and started packing the little bag I had. I didn't bring anything major with me since I was convinced this was a baby shower after all. My plan was to leave early in the morning.

My thoughts were all over the place and my mind was desperately trying to figure out a way to at least talk to Daniel, find out why he did what he did.

I needed to at least know...

Yet I couldn't figure out a way to do it. I didn't know how to confront him about it. Alex would find out and I would lose his trust, he would know the only reason I'm here was to do with my father's death... Did that matter though? I'm never going to see him again, so surely it didn't.

Why did I not want Alex to know so desperately? What was this mental block I was having? I don't care about what he thinks of me, why would I? Or did I?

Get your shit together Kiara.

I furrow my brows, snapping out of my conflicting thoughts and get back to getting myself ready for my departure tomorrow. I will write Remi a note... That way she won't try stopping me. I doubt Alex would care very much but Remington definitely would, she wants me to be the perfect match for Alex.


I begin and sigh.

I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye but I didn't want you to try to stop me either. I've left to go back to my pack, thank you for the time spent here even though it wasn't planned. Give Alexander my best regards, he's a lot better than I expected him to be for someone who overthrew an existing Alpha...


I say the last part with humour. I didn't know the reasoning for the circumstances of his gained title but at least I knew him better now an he's not so bad. I'll leave the note on my bedside table for her to find in the morning.


"You didn't tell me you were going to visit your cousin's pack." Says my mum. It was still quite early in the morning. I got a taxi back home and my mission of not being seen was successful.

"Yeah, I bumped into him and just wanted to catch up." I mumble, eating a piece of toast.

My mum gives me an odd look but continues to make breakfast for Maisy who was desperate to find out the highlights of my trip.

"Is he okay? I haven't seen him since..." She trails off. The funeral - that's what she was going to say but it broke her too much to get the words out.

The worst thing that can happen to any wolf is the break of a mate bond, whether that's through rejection or death. I admired her for how strong she was anyway, she was doing amazing continuing to set a good example for me.

"He's fine, yeah..." I tell her, despite noticing how quiet she went. Her movements were slower and she was in a completely different world. She looked empty inside, numb. "Mum, I'll finish making Maisy's breakfast, why don't you go for a walk or something?" I suggest.

I knew taking a walk alone around the pack was her favourite thing to do to clear her head. She wanted to cry, I could see it but she was holding back because she wasn't alone. She didn't want to show her 'weaknesses' to us. She wanted to be a strong role model.

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