Chapter 6

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"Isn't the world such a small place?" He asks, his tone quiet and composed, with a hint of amusement on his concentrated face.

His hair was a little less messy than last night, but the shade of brown it was just reminded me of Daniel and Lorenzo's, except both of theirs was darker than his. His eyes were also very similar, which only made me almost confirm who he was.

And of course, above it all, he was undeniably handsome, someone I couldn't say one bad word about when it came to his looks. His jaw line, his hair, smile... Even his body looked perfect through that tight navy shirt with his sleeves rolled up a little, exposing his arms.

"Indeed it is." I nod.

In the POV of Alexander...

I can't take my eyes of off her for a while, at first only trying to figure out if she was the same girl that won against me last night, then studying her this close up once I knew that she was.

"Who taught you how to play?" Is the first thing I want to know. Not even her name, or what she was doing here, but where she gained the skills she had. Nobody has ever really won against me before. Not in an all in.

I was usually better at reading people's faces and knowing what they were thinking. I knew it when I say hesitation or second thoughts, yet her, I couldn't read at all. She was good.

"My father." I see her glance down to the floor, then her eyes found anything that was not me. It looked like the topic triggered some negative feelings, so I decide to leave it and move onto the second thing I wanted to know.

"I'm Alex-" I begin, wanting her to respond with her own introduction.

"Alexander Anderson." She catches me off guard, finishing for me. "I figured when you spoke about meeting girls and Remington."

I once again take me time to take a good look at her; I couldn't stop doing it. Her hair was dark brown, almost black and her face was youthful and symmetrical. There was no denying that she was beautiful - I knew that yesterday when she turned many heads, including mine - and the dress she was wearing showed off her figure.

And that very dress is what makes me realise who she is.

"You're Kiara..." I trail off, remembering that Remi went shopping earlier today with Alice to buy dresses for the girls they picked for me, and I recognised the one she bought for hers.

I assume I'm right, when I see the surprised expression on her face, however it was mixed with a wash of slight fear - unless I imagined that part.

"You're the girl that Remi chose for me..." I conclude.

In the POV of Kiara...

The moment he said my name, was the very moment my heart stopped. My first thought was that he knew my name not because of this whole 'event', but because he knew who I was.

"Yeah, I am." I remind myself that I have to stop being so paranoid and take a couple of deep breaths before answering.

"So you haven't found a mate yet?" I ask, continuing our conversation.

There was something about him that made me enjoy his presence and funnily enough, a longer conversation meant more time around him. It also meant I got to change the subject, because talking about myself didn't seem like a very good idea.

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