Chapter 38

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I slip on a shirt and pants, step into my boots and leave the room. Taking the steps two at a time, I fly through the foyer. I follow my nose through the palace, pointing my chin towards the floor, avoiding drawing attention to myself. I do not want to see Ajax just yet. My footsteps echo as I march into the training quarters of the palace. Sure enough, I find Ruben in the archery hall. A sharp thud rings throughout the room as an arrow finds its mark in the centre of the target. Ruben nods at it, clenching his jaw and lowering the bow. 

His eyes flick to me and his tense shoulders loosen. "You tracked me down."

"There are only so many places to hide within the walls," I remind him, striding forward.

He hands me the bow and I take a shot. Although the arrow hits the side of the dummies' head.

I curse, and he laughs. "We had better make our way to the Convex side of the river," he says.

"Why did you come here this morning?" I ask, lowering the bow and peering at him curiously.

He sighs, dropping his gaze. "I had a lot of pent-up energy. I just wanted to shoot."

I raise my brows, not ready to believe him. "I upset you."

"You can't exactly expect me to forget you comparing me to Sneya," he says coldly, glancing up at me.

"I'm sorry, Ruben," I say, balling my fist. "You are yourself, not Sneya."

"Well, obviously." He blows out his cheeks and places his bow back on the rack. "Let's make our way across the river. The people will wait for you."

I clench my jaw, spin on my heel and march away, leaving him in my wake. I exit the training room and head towards Ajax. On my way, I bump into Killian. His auburn hair falls into his eyes, and he brushes it out of the way, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Shutting down the city, aye?" he says.

"It was not my decision," I remind him, rolling my shoulders back.

"You and Ajax are quite close. It wouldn't shock me if you conspired with him," he says bitterly.

"Ajax can decide on his own," I quip, folding my arms. "But sometimes he might need some input. Besides, why does it matter?"

"There is talk within the streets that you are trying to control the city," he says.

"What? Who is saying that?"

"Just some Concave people I've spoken to. They can't decide whether you are a hero or our demise." Then he marches away, shoulder bumping into mine as he passes.

I roll my eyes, ignoring my heart slamming against my ribs. A warm hand lands on my shoulder, and I turn to see Ruben.

"Don't listen to him," he says, clenching his jaw. "He's only bitter."

"People hate me, don't they?" I whisper as we pass through the hallways towards Ajax's office.

Wary eyes of palace employees refuse to meet my own. Or glares shoot my way. Perhaps I am imagining things.

Ruben knocks on Ajax's office door, and he yanks it open. "My God, you look terrible," Ruben says.

He has dark bags under his drooping eyes, and his hair is a ruffled mess. The stench of liquor permeates my nostrils and I glance over his shoulder to see a half-drank bottle of bourbon on his desk.

"Welcome, my dear friends!" he slurs, leaning against the door frame. His eyes lazily move between the pair of us.

"Why the hell are you drunk, Ajax?" I ask, pushing myself past him and sitting on his desk chair.

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