Chapter 24

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I keep waiting for silence to settle over the Red Movement building. But it never does. The night is haunted by the whimpers and moans of fellow prisoners. Every time I close my eyes, awaiting the silence, I am met with the image of blood spilling from Ruben's head. The burn of my screaming. Rubbing my eyes aggressively, I sit up, swing my feet off the bed and pad into the bathroom. My reflection frowns back at me and I sigh. Something tells me that I will be seeing those hallucinations for a long while yet. I braid my hair down my back, tying a knot at the end. There will be a time when I can be in Ruben's arms. But for now, I must help the people trapped in these halls.

Back by the bed, I reach underneath the pillow and grab the keys. I reach the door and tentatively press my face against the small window, peering out. As far as I can see, the hall is empty. The second key on the ring slides into the lock perfectly and I slowly twist it. The door opens and, holding my breath, I stick my nose out. Small lights line the right side of the corridor, throwing shadows in haphazard shapes on the walls and floor. Pulling the door open wider, I slip out. I begin hastening down the corridor.

"Hey!" a voice shouts. I whip around to see a guard down the hallway. She hurries toward me. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Shit. I can't have her knowing that I'm out. So instead of running away, I take off, sprinting towards her. She grinds to a halt, not expecting this at all. We collide, grappling one another. Her elbow whacks my nose sending a blast of pain through my head. I kick her in the shin, and she howls, slamming me against the wall.

"What are you doing out of your room, bitch?" she snarls. That is when I notice how close we are to the room that I was in.

"What are you doing following Edward?" I hiss back.

"That's none of your damn business."

"In that case." I whack my knee into her crotch, free my arm, connecting my fist with her face. She stumbles and falls and I grab her arms, yanking her into my room and pushing her into the wall. She shrieks as I leap towards the door. Her hand snatches my wrist and, spinning around, I grab the handheld radio from her belt. I lift my leg and kick her square in the chest, sending her sprawling on the floor. I jump out of the room, slam the door and shove the key into the lock.

"No!" she yells. "You little bitch!"

I grin, mocking a salute. Spinning on my heel, I march away, gradually moving out of earshot from guard's shouts. I hurry down the corridor, using Edward's key to exit Hall C and step into the main part of the building. Stealing into the shadows, I skirt along the main hallway and slip into the guards' quarters. Straining my eyes through the empty gloom, I spot the closet on the left. With quiet feet, I pad over and open the closet door. I quickly swap my own thin gown for the uniform, tucking my tell-tale red hair into the helmet. I close myself in the bathroom, light flooding the linoleum floor. Great. Sticky blood smears from my nose and I sigh. I twist the faucet and splash the water on my face, watching as the red tinted water swirls in the sink before draining away. Behind me, the door clicks open and a guard strolls in, pausing when he notices me.

"You good there?" he asks as I spin around, blocking the last of the red water from his view.

"Yeah, just taking a break from night guard," I respond.

"You down in the station?"


"Strange, I don't believe I saw you when I was there."

"Oh, well I'm actually rotating to the station after my break. I've been outside Hatchman's quarters." I turn off the faucet behind me and pretend to dry my hands.

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