Chapter 30

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The train jerks forward and my head falls from Ruben's shoulder onto his lap. He stirs, too. The train's wheels screech against the tracks as the engine breaks. Scrambling to my feet, I rush to the windows on the left and peer out. Looming into the sky is a thick stone wall, casting a shadow over the train. The guys press their hands against the window and Killian gasps. When the train grinds to a stop, we jump off, landing on the stones of the tracks. The evening sun burns over the walls and I squint, shielding my face. In the short distance, I see the figures of four people by the enormous gates of the city.

"Let's keep our weapons away," Ruben says, glancing at us.

"I wonder who those people are," I say.

We approach, my boots crunching over the stones. Gradually, the details of the people become apparent. There are two at the front. Chains spill from the metal collar around their necks, fastening bonds in the gate. Scabs and open wounds, oozing with puss, cover the chained people. Their skin hugs the bones on their face, forming deep-set shadows on their yellow cheeks. As we get close enough, I notice the hollow, distant look in the eyes of one and the wide, bulging wildness in the eyes of the other. Beasts. Two men stand next to each of the beasts, gripping the long mast of a scythe in their right hand. They wear black cloaks that fall to their knees. Their faces are hidden from sight within the drapes of their hoods.

"What the–" Killian cuts himself off.

Resisting the urge to grab my sword, I plant my feet square and roll my shoulders back. "Hello," I say. My voice cracks and I curse myself. "My name is Elle Fallon."

"We know who you are," says the guard on the left. "What do you want?"

I bite my lip and breathe in. "We want to speak to King Wright. We have something important to discuss."

"What does it involve?"

I allow his question to hang mid-air for several moments. "There is a war among the plains. Edward Mallory and his Red Movement are going to destroy us all."

The guard narrows his eyes and chews his lip, considering me. "We will arrange a carriage to meet you." He pulls a small radio from the pocket of his robes. A static sound bursts from the tiny speakers as he holds it up to his mouth. "Red Leaf afoot. Please send immediate backup."

My shoulders tense, but I force myself to roll them back as I raise my chin. "I offer no harm to you or anyone in your city. I need your help."

"Look, Red Leaf. We don't trust you or your friends," the guard says, stuffing the radio into his pocket. The beast in his chain grunts and jerks against the collar. "We need to decide for ourselves, you mean well. I'm sure, his majesty will."

The gates behind him shudder, the boom shaking the ground and my eardrums. The gates ease open, revealing a glimpse of the city inside. Upon entrance, we see a bright green meadow. A paved road cuts through the grass and trees, as the meadow flourishes into buildings. In the distance, the spire of a castle reaches into the sky, a match for the walls. The sight is familiar to those from the Floodgates. An enormous carriage and more cloaked guards greet us at the gates. They march towards us, gripping the masts of scythes. One guard stomps right up to me and I resist the urge to unsheathe my dagger as he plants his feet only inches from my boots. The shadows of his hood conceal his eyes, but the lines and grey stubble on his jaw and chin tell me enough.

"I don't believe it," he mutters, lowering the mast of his scythe to the ground. "Elle Fallon at our doorsteps."

"It's nice to meet you." I offer my hand.

He smiles and then pulls his hood off. The man has olive skin and greying hair. Crow's feet mar his dark, hooded eyes and his cheekbone stick out. He stares at me, the smiling meeting his eyes. He takes my hand in his bony one. "We have been waiting for you, Miss Fallon."

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