Chapter 13

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The crackling of burning wood is the first thing I am aware of. Orange light dances across the stone walls, bathing me in its warmth. The room is frighteningly familiar. Blood encrusts the leather bonds around my wrists, shackling me to the seat. It is the room in the dungeons, deep below the palace.

A pair of green eyes materialises in front of me. "Elizabeth, my Red Leaf," Lord Sneya grins.

I want to open my mouth but my lips refuse to part. It's as if they have been sewn shut.

Sneya turns to the fireplace and pulls a long metal rod from the flames. "We need to give you something that distinguishes your kind, a Red Leaf, from the rest of us." The end of the rod burns red hot, with the familiar symbol of the leaf attached. Sneya holds the instrument carefully and steps behind me. His icy fingers brush my messy braid over my shoulder. Then, he presses the hot iron into my skin. A scream rips up my throat, but the sound never escapes my lips. For they remain shut. Fire consumes my entire being, searing and all-encompassing. And no matter how desperately I try to free the scream in my throat, it is trapped.

"Elle!" Ruben's voice drags me to consciousness. I sit bolt upright, chest heaving. I push the tangled strands of hair out of my face and, at last, avert my eyes to Ruben's. They glint in the pale light of the moon. "It's okay, Elle. I'm here. It was only a dream." He sits up with me.

I blow out my cheeks and my shoulders sink forward. "I think I had a nightmare," I whisper.

"I think so too," he says. "But it was only that, a nightmare. And I'm here. You are alright." He pulls me back down into his arms, kissing my temple and I lay my head on his bare chest. His heart beats steadily beneath his chest and I sigh. "Try to go back to sleep, Elle. I love you."

"I love you."

With my face buried in his chest, I train my gaze on the moonlight. Ruben shifts beneath me and I listen to his slow breathing as he begins to fall back asleep. I blow out a deep breath and, too, settle further into Ruben. His heart as a lullaby, I allow the beats to coax me to sleep.

The persistent rapping of knuckles on the door draws me awake again. "Come on, you two! We have a big day today!" Ajax calls from the other side, impatience clear in his tone.

I groan into Ruben's chest and he laughs. "We will be up soon, Ajax."

"Why don't you get up now?" Ajax exclaims. "Breakfast has been served and we are all waiting for you." He stomps away and Ruben and I burst out laughing. We quickly drag ourselves out of bed and into some clothes. I glance at my reflection in the mirror quickly, grimacing at my knotted hair. Last night made it even worse. I pull out the worst of the knots and smooth the curls down. I cannot help but smirk, though, at my swollen lips and the light bruises on the side of my neck.

Ruben and I, at last, arrive at the small dining room for breakfast with the others. Ajax has his head in his hands. He looks up when we walk in, shooting us a pained look. "Good evening."

"Elle!" Monet squeals. "What did you let happen to your hair? We cannot have your hair looking like a lion's mane when we announce your return to the city!"

"What do you mean? I think my hair will suffice!" I protest, brushing a curl out my face, fingers getting caught in a snag.

Monet laughs at my struggle. "Oh no, we will have to do something about that right after breakfast!"

True to her word, as soon as the plates are cleared, Monet jumps to her feet and grabs my hand, yanking me up after her. "Come on, Elle. We do not have long."

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