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Chapter 20

Grand Dowager Empress Wu
The Rose Flower Palace

“Lady Wei greets Her Royal Highness, Grand Dowager Empress Wu.” Li Lian bowed before her in the welcoming room, paying obeisances.

“Rise,” Grand Dowager smiled. Li Lian was indeed a perfect fit, such grace, such collectiveness of self. The old woman couldn’t help admiring Li Lian as she took her seat on the zabuton cushion.

How had she not seen it before? But now that she had this chance to have her as her own, why would she let the opportunity pass by?

“How are you? I have not personally seen you since your return.”

“This subject has fared well. Great thanks to Her Highness for asking and worrying for Chenqie's well being. This concubine is not worthy.”

“Hmm.” The Grand Dowager picked her cup and took a sip of her tea. “I heard you have been living with the dragon lately.”

“It is His Majesty who made the request,” Li Lian was quick to defend.

“And I also heard you caused a catastrophe yesterday, what was the matter about?”

“A misunderstanding, Your Highness.”

Another sip of her tea. Li Lian could defend these trifle matters all she wanted, but could she defend the bigger matter that she had found out concerning Huticah?

“Let us not argue over this. I have bigger things I’d rather discuss.”

“Please tell your servant what Her Highness means.”

“For example, you being the daughter of the previous King of Huticah.” The Grand Dowager couldn’t help smirking in satisfaction when Li Lian winced. She was quick to hide it, but it was surely evident that the revelation that Grand Dowager knew had shaken her. “I didn’t mind knowing this since I thought you were dead, but now that you are alive… Why not make the best out of the information?”

Li Lian stared into her eyes, she was daring and defiant. Very disrespectful of her. “What do you want?”

The emperor's lover clearly did not want to play around. It was her character, after all, that when she felt threatened, she became coarsely and direct.

Grand Dowager did not mind it. It was intriguing to have a stubborn mule stand up to her once in a while. Many years in the palace she had seen so much blood, threatened many, and yet had not met such a character like Li Lian. This was why she was her perfect fit for what she wanted.

“We shall attempt to do what we tried to do before but failed.” Previously, she prematurely underestimated Li Lian. A big mistake. Although Li Lian seemed to be in trouble back then, the Grand Dowager should not have given up on her.

Her grandson was now a slave of Li Lian. He slept in Hougong just for the sake of this woman, and almost went mad at the news of her death. This meant that if the Grand Dowager controlled the person holding his heart, obviously it would be her indirectly leading the dragon by the leash.

“And what may that be?”

“You will work for me.”

“Work for you?”

“Become the empress.”

This time Li Lian took time to reply, processing the information in her calmness. “Is that ransom to not getting exposed?”

“If you are working for me, you have become the piece in my game. Why would I sell you out? That won't benefit me.”

Li Lian gave a forced smile. “Empress, you say? I don't want the title."

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