My Liege

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Thank you to Sandra for reviewing my chapter and giving me pointers. I appreciate your efforts ^^

This chapter is so long, so please, don't read under your school/work desk. Behave yourself and find some time later on haha

Please, comment. It means a lot to me. You have no idea how reading a comment encourages me to go on, because to be honest, my motivation recently has been low. Doesn't mean I love the story any less, but wow.

Lastly, thank you all for dragging me on to not to give up. You don't let me stop, but will email me, DM me, message me until I post the next chapter. It is so hard but you make it easier and bearable.

Last, last, last. Enjoy this chapter we have anticipated since Book 1. I revised it up to 20 times and sought second opinion, that is how much I wanted it to be satisfying. So enjoy! More is still to come!

Chapter 50

Wei Li Lian
Princess Elora
Her Highness Wei

"What do you mean by Her Highness, Noble Consort Qi, is dead?" The Minister of Criminal Law stood to question the court lady reporting to His Majesty.

"She is dead, My Lord! The last we saw of Our Highness alive was when she entered the dressing room of Her Highness Wei!"

They all turned to ogle Li Lian and noticed her bleeding hands. Instantly, the silent accusations arose. In their eyes, already, she was the killer. Whether guilty or not, no one cared.

Everyone eagerly spoke over the other, such an opportunity to strip her down from the high pedestal Yuwen Hong had given her, none of the Wing factions would let it pass. If Li Lian was sentenced to death, this meant the Phoenix throne would be left empty and up for the taking.

Li Lian finally summed up the strength to look up to Yuwen Hong. He was taking sips out of his wine cup, unexpectedly calm and controlled. However, it meant nothing, even if he was feeling any sort of way, he would not let on his emotions. It was a skill he long adapted, handy in times of leadership.

His hand waved towards Eunuch Nam and a few words were whispered between them.

Eunuch Nam bowed and rushed to stand before the steps.

"His Majesty has heard your grievances. Please, spare him time to investigate and return to you with an answer. For now, everyone will gather at the Ground of Festivals and all will be served the afternoon meal. Gathering adjourned!"

The hall erupted with discord as everyone stood to leave. Most were unsatisfied to not hear the thoughts of their emperor on such unheard of matters. Even Li Lian, was caught off guard by Yuwen Hong's lack of response.

She had expected him to shout and rage uncontrollably, a few heads falling and blood scattering all over.

As they exited, many made a point to "accidentally" knock on Li Lian. Some even spat on her in disgust, and a few derogatory words were shared.

"The witch has fallen from grace."

"A wench from Huticah deserves to eat among the dogs."

Li Lian recoiled to herself, nursing her bleeding hand by tearing the inner white skirt and wrapping it around to stop the bleeding.

Black boots passed her as they emerged from the direction of the exit. Spotting the person wearing unusual black trousers with a dark cape, she looked up to find Luo Meng unsheath two swords and stretch his hands horizontally, holding out the two swords. He stood ahead of her and her entourage, the image of a dolled person positioned to scare the scarecrows from feasting on the crops.

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